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This guy...Wooow!!


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I need help. I am a single female and I have this huge crush for this guy who is also single. We have known each other since we were children, but our relationship is soooo different now. After many years after high school, I found him on an online social network. I was told by one of his family members that he was talking to his parents about me and that they (the family member) knew for a long time that we had been talking on the internet because his father told them that we were. I was also told by one of my friends his sibling had returned to our hometown and when asked whether or not their brother had a woman they stated "No, but he's been talkin' to this girl on the internet from this city for about 6 months now...Don't get it twisted though, he's known this girl all his life." At that certain time, WE HAD BEEN TALKING ON THE INTERNET FOR ABOUT 6 MONTHS...


I really like him. We have sooo much in common. We even have very similar professions and everything. One problem is that he's out of town...Waaay outta town....I have also invited him to come to my city so that I can take him out...his response "Thanks for the love...I'm goin' 2 have to come to ...." period...there was no "how about next week, next month, next year, NOTHING!!!...We both have the finances, why won't he invite me to where he is or make plans with me so that I can do all the spending???


Another problem is...he won't tell ME how he feels!!! He talks to me the same way now as he did when we first reconnected...If he decided to let me know that he didn't have feelings for me that would be fine too...but he won't even tell me that...


I have talked to this guy on the phone....We still continue to talk online...We've even made out WITHOUT HAVING SEX!!!! But he never says anything to me about trying to even start a relationship or hell, not starting a relationship...


I'm usually the one being hit on, but I find myself trying to hit on him to get his attention and to produce some kind of response, but I never get anything more than "Thanks for the love..." followed by ONLY two or three sentences into the conversation which quickly ends...


I do admit though that this guy is a manager for a really "ritzy" company...when i ask him about something that pertains to getting ahead in life he gives me an email book, but otherwise it's "Thanks for the love"...He acts like he doesn't know who I am and won't open up to me AT ALL!!!!


The messed up thing about all of this is that I'm a "good catch" just like he is AND HE KNOWS IT!!!...I don't have problems with trying to find men AT ALL...I usually have men hooked without even kissing them, but this fish I can't hook and I can't understand what I'm doin' or saying that's keeping him from opening up to me...it's worked dozens of times before...I've never experienced this before and I'm baffled...


There was one incident where (in High School) I turned him down because I was talking to someone else...Could that be it? Does he have the big head because of his status? Is he one of those married to his job and has no idea how to approach a woman? Is he shy and afraid of rejection from me again? Is he playing get back? Why won't he say anything to me? Someone tell me...please...

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Maybe he's not comfortable with the idea of a long distance relationship so he avoids the subject all together, and thinks everything is cool just the way it is. I doubt something from high school has anything to do with it. Maybe you should just flat out tell him you like him and would like to try "dating" and ask what he thinks about that. Most guys won't just come right out with that stuff.

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Either he isn't sure you are serious (quite possible), or he just doesn't want anything serious and is happy with how things are. The only way you will find out is to ask him directly. Invite him out one day, sit down, and have a talk about these issues, and you'll get your answer.

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