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We broke up!!!


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Well my boyfreind broke up w/ me and i should have been the first to do it. I had so many thingds telling me to let him go and i didn't! Well anyway i still care about him and want to get back together. We hang out all the time now and just a little bit more than friends. I guess you can call it frends w/ beneifits. I don't know why I can't stop caring for him or wanting to be w/ him i just do. People tell me to not care and forget him but I can't and i want to be w/ him. i stop myself everyday and think really hard about iut andI can't chage my mind. When he broke up w/ me he said he didn;t like me anymore but he really cares about me. I want to know how to get him back!!

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Well my boyfreind broke up w/ me and i should have been the first to do it. I had so many thingds telling me to let him go and i didn't! Well anyway i still care about him and want to get back together. We hang out all the time now and just a little bit more than friends. I guess you can call it frends w/ beneifits. I don't know why I can't stop caring for him or wanting to be w/ him i just do. People tell me to not care and forget him but I can't and i want to be w/ him. i stop myself everyday and think really hard about iut andI can't chage my mind. When he broke up w/ me he said he didn;t like me anymore but he really cares about me. I want to know how to get him back!!

I think both of you just don't want to let go of the "good times" you had (and having) together. But good times doesn't include the commitment and the other heavy stuff of a realtionship. He was the one who broke up with you and yet you continue to hang out, he doesn't like you--- something's not right around here. You might enjoy it now, but someday, it'll come out as a complete waste of time.


You can either go back to him completely and face up _everything_ that comes with it or exercise discipline and try very hard not to want him bad. The latter will turn out to be a lot better to your self-esteem (you may not realize it now but someday it'll fall into place). Better look for someone you can hang out with who genuinely LIKES you. The results are a lot better.

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In the first line, you say you should have been the first to break up with your boyfriend. In the last line, you ask how you can get him back.


Right now you are very confused. You and your boyfriend have NOT had a very good relationship lately. The fact that he was able to talk dirty to you in a chatroom, thinking you were someone else, says a lot. The fact that he can go days without calling when his friends are around says a lot more.


Right now you are convenient to him. I promise you he broke up with you because he wants to go on the prowl but he won't let you completely go until he finds someone he likes.


The whole thing is whacky...but I understand your continuing attachment to him. If you want him back, just tell him you will take all his abuse, allow him to talk dirty to other ladies on the Internet, let him know he doesn't have to call you when his friends are in town, and that it's OK if he sees other ladies that he likes when he finds them.


All that should make him real happy.

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Don't do the "friends with benifits" thing. It is not a realtionship it is just sex. Don't be with him if this is all he wants without having the attachment. Question is he dating someone else or are you just not dating because of each other? If he really loves you he will come back for you.

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