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girlfriend acting odd

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hi people!


I've recently hooked up with a lady I have been friends with for a while, we have been very close friends for about 9 months, but in the last couple of months started seeing each other.


Since we have been friends I know a lot about her past lovers etc. I am aware she was seeing someone for about 8 months but broke up with him over a year ago as she grew very bored and realised she didn't love him for the final 3 months of their relationship.


She tried to stay friends and met up wiv him in March, he admitted he had never gotten over her and begged her back and proposed to her! She was very shocked and just told him flat out no and went home.


A few more months past and she was looking for apartments in the city he lives in and didn't want to look on her own so asked him to meet her, so he did and they looked around apartments etc.


She has told me she finds absolutely no attraction and could never be with someone with his morals, outlook on life and doesn't even remotely find him physically attractive anymore. Then this week she found out that he was seeing another girl and had been for a month or so, and she had a really odd reaction.


Apparently she was in a food takeaway getting some food for herself and her house mates,s he got an sms off him saying he was seeing someone else and she started trembling and hyper ventilating and dropped her bags, and then went home really quickly, forgot to get any food, ran up to her room and vomitted several times and went to bed trembling with shock....


She says its just cos of the shock of him being with another girl but she has absolutely 0 feelings for him, it's just she didn't think he would have another girlfriend and it's just wierd to imagine it.


What do you think? I said to her I think that's a really strange reaction to hearing someone you apparently care 0% for and u broke up with over a year ago is seeing someone new... my friends agree... however she assures me all of her friends understand and a few of her female friends have had similar things happen and can't really explain it, and it doesnt mean they have any feelings its just shock of hearing news of their ex with someone new.



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What a bunch of bullcrap she is feeding you. Clearly your girlfriend has great emotions and feelings toward this guy. How could you keep a straight face when she said it is a normal reaction to run home immediately shaking and vomit when she found out this guy was seeing another woman and she has no feelings for him. Her statement that it is a normal reaction is ridiculous. If you heard an old former girlfriend had started dating someone and you had no feelings for her; would you start to hyperventilate, shake, run home without the food you brought and go puke in the toilet because you had no feelings for her?

Clearly she is not over him and she has not told you the whole story. There surely is something a lot more going on here. I would make sure your guard is up. Your lady friend is not being truthful.

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Believe me my friend I agree completely with you that it's not a normal reaction. As soon as she told me I just gave her a really puzzled and confused look and told her that's not normal.


She's tried to convince me it's just an ego thing probably cos he's not obsessed with her anymore. But I am bewildered to say the least, when I try and tell her it's a really wierd reaction, she's just like "no it's not my friend emma agrees that happens sometimes u cant explain it though"...


I have only been with her a few weeks like I said, I was in a 2 year relationship and engaged til last Nov to a girl I was madly in love with, but now she has a new guy and I'm ok with it, I don't speak to her much and if she has a new guy or if she's sleeping around, hey, her life, don't bother me and I was MADLY in love with that girl.


Here is some guy my current gf swears she never even really cared for much in the first place and she broke up with in April 2002 and has only met him twice since then. She's had 3 boyfriends since him.


I don't really understand or know how to approach her or ask her anymore than I already have...

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I don't think it is any point approaching her about this since either she is in great denial or feels more comfortable not telling you the truth. The bottom line is that her reaction is extemely abnormal for a person she has no feelings for or cares about. In short, you will never get the truth so what is the point? I do think this is a sign to watch out for and that is she willing to tell you stories that simply are not the truth. I wish you luck.

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