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Im new to this site and i have a problem


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im an 18 year old male virgin that has a problem. over the past like 8 years ive gotten many girls as friends not "girlfriends". we would always have fun over the years, but when i asked my first one about taking our friendship/relationship to the next level i get the "i just wanna be friends convo". girl after girl its the samething, because of this ive lost so much self respect and confidence of myself that i dont even know what to do anymore. ive never even kissed a girl before. i cant start convo's anymore with a girl. even if they are stuck in the ruts of a relationship and come to me for help, i cant help. what is my problem loveshack?

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First off Don't worry about it secondly getting your first kiss will be easy just do it... I mean the worst that can happen is a slap (most girls won't punch) and then you can rub your face with a smile. Heres what you do, the next time you get the urge to have some lame "I like you will you be my gf" conversation just act like you have a secret you want to wisper and then kiss her right on the lips... then say that was nice I have to that again and try to make out... at a minimum you will have your first kiss they won't see it comming and most girls your age don't have the balls to reject a guy so you'll probably get the make out too

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Nothing mentally emasculates you like the "Special Friend" schtick. Maybe you aren't asking them fast enough. When you meet a girl you like, try to make it known to her from the start that you want more than friendship from her, the worst she can say is "no", and *anything* she says that doesn't translate to a definite "yes" means "NO!".

Be her friend if you want, but if she becomes too dependent on you to be her gf w/dick, tell her to buy a dog, and move on with your life before she becomes an emotional parasite.


BTW, I didn't get my first *real* kiss until I was 20, and 30 years later I can still remember how it nearly floored me! Be patient, it's definitely worth the wait!

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Hang on.... you're 18 now, and you've been trying to date for the past 8 years.... since you were 10 - ?!

Let's be frank here - 6 of those years you were under-age anyway, and legally speaking, the last two were kind of in limbo....

And you're still a virgin -


Well thank goodness for that! No reason yet why you shouldn't be!


So let's be a little realistic.

You have actually only recently come of age, and become a legal adult.....


I just think you need to forget the past 8 years, and build yourself some character, self-esteem, confidence and attitude, In a good way.

I know it sounds glib, but try not to worry.

Be natural, friendly and don't look at every girl as potential bed-fodder.

I realise it's tempting, but girls - even some of the young ones - can usually spot that a mile off. And it's a big turn-off, if you come on so strong that they can see testosterone dripping off your tongue, like some eager puppy.....

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