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Crush on Best Friend from HS


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Ok, so I have this friend from HS, we met our sophomore year and became awesome friends, we always had great chemistry and even though she had a bf she always went out partying with me, clubbing, movies, dinner... I mean, we were the "couple / non-couple" while we were in HS. I never made a move because she had a bf. Then I went away to college in another city and she stayed behind, after a couple of years I came back and we started off exactly where we left off. same great conversations, and I've grown to love her very deeply. Soon after this, me and my family moved to the states. I packed everything and she spent the last day with me. on that night, as I was dropping her off at her place tears started rolling down her cheeks and as we said goodbye, she gave me a very nice soft kiss on the lips.


I came back home, couldn't sleep and after a few hours, I left the country. We never spoke about it. a few years later, she moved to Miami, and after years of speaking on the phone and being close friends (there's a lot of love there) I went to visit her last year. We had an awesome time, we partied, we curled up and watched movies, we even cuddled. One night after much partying and drinking, we were in her apt and I leaned in for a kiss, she gave me the cheek and nothing happened. I was mortified, the next day I apologized and blamed it on the booze and she told me she didn't remember anything about it and not to worry about it.


Things have been back to normal for the past year, we are even planning on going back to cancun together next october '09 (we went for our HS graduation and swore that we would go back together).


My concern is that I'm going back to Miami on wednesday and I'm staying with her again for 5 days. This time she has an apt for herself and we're going to be spending a lot of time alone together, probably partying and getting drunk.


I love this woman more than I can explain, and I have no problem restraining myself when I'm sober, but I'm a little concerned of what might happen if we have a little too much to drink. And the last time, she was sort of seeing someone, but this time, I know she's single and not seeing anyone.


Am I overthinking this? Have you ever lost a good friend because you did something stupid while being drunk? I'm not planning on it but I'm sure we'll drink more than we should.

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In a way, I believe all of them have a bf in a way when you begin to date them. I know this sounds contrary to my last post but it's not. In some respects you have to mutually disrespect each other in a way in order for her to break off with her current bf. For example, some people give you the advice to act like you don't care. Thats exactly why you should act like you don't care, it's a much needed way of knocking each other down a level, so you are on level ground. Now what other people don't realize is that is the easiest part of it all but it's not and therefore the advice. Now she may have officially broken up with her bf three week s ago or six months but girls are much slower than guys in giving up their "ghosts", therefore you should never disrespect yourself by sleeping with the girl for I say about 6 months. I know this is more than the 3 month rule, but what the hell, you are a jerk.;)

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Well, I know she hasn't had a bf in years, and the last guy, the guy that she was "with" last year in april when I saw her, was this guy who was separated but not divorced and with a lot of baggage and not giving her almost any time. She hasn't seen him in a long time (8 months I think?) but she's been VERY busy with work and stuff lately so I know she doensn't really date. She does have a group of friends who are all married but they don't really fix her up since their friends are married as well. It's a vicious circle. (Incidentally, I love her friends, they're awesome).


Mind you, there's nothing wrong with her, if anything she's adorable but a little high maintenance...

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