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Why do guys stare?

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Why do guys stare? It really irritates me when a guys stares at me. Then, they continue doing it even after you have told them to stop. Guys stare at me at my job and this married guy that I like ( don't take it the wrong way I'm getting over this guy now) stares at me and I don't know how to go up to him and ask him why he stares at me. I've asked this question before but really didn't get any advice that could help me. Any advice?.

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Why guys stare:


1. You're hot.

2. You have big boobs.

3. Both 1 and 2.


(If #3 is the case, contact me by PM immediately)


We look at what we like. It's pretty simple. There is a possibility that you have some grotesque deformity such that guys stare in horror...but everybody would do it then. I don't know how frequent or commonplace this staring is throughout your daily life...but those are my suggestions.

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i'm not a guy, but i like to stare at people, both guys n gals.


sometimes it's b/c they're attractive - just enjoying the view.

sometimes it's b/c i dislike something - just figuring out exactly what it is.

sometimes it's b/c something caught my attention - like their book, and i'm trying to imagine what kind of person s/he is.

sometimes i just look & imagine what their life might be like.

sometimes it's b/c i like their make up, and i'd like to copy it later (same for clothes).

sometimes, i'm just daydreaming, and while it looks like i'm staring, i'm really not looking.


oh and to answer your question - men stare because they're attracted/curious.



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Well, I'm a gal, not a guy, but that happens to me too sometimes. Of course, if you live in a bigger (badder) city, don't be surprised if some "god's gift to gals" also mutters something like, "I want to take your clothes off" under his breath as he walks by. It used to surprise/scare me, and then I realized that is just some moron's failed attempt at "flirting," a psychological disorder better known in the DSM as "thinking out loud." (Oops, did I really say that? - Yes, you moron.)


Well, anyway, from the sounds of it, I'd say that you may be in high school, or thereabouts? If you were older, you'd have gotten used to it and/or figured out that your best approach would NOT be to ask why, since you will likely get a bull answer and the staring will simply continue. (i.e. no better off than before).


If the staring is really a problem for you (makes you feel uncomfortable), tell him why and demand that he stop. If he continues, tell your supervisor. Now that there are sexual harassment policies (with quite a large girth), it is management's responsibility to ensure that EVERYONE at work does not feel threatened in this way.


Another solution would be to check what you are wearing. While I'm not one of those folks who blames the woman if a guy acts inappropriately to her, you may in fact be wearing inappropriate clothing to work. I recall one woman at a recent office job who literally wore a micro-mini to work. Well, DUH everyone (including the women) were staring at her. She looked ridiculous as well as suggestive. (And ugh, don't remind me of the guy who kept wearing pants that were WAY too tight if you know what I mean.)


But if you have your anatomy covered and his staring makes you feel uncomfortable, you can chalk your experience up to his overactive imagination, boredome and at least fleeting sexual attraction towards you.


If you want him to stop, you have every right to feel comfortable at work.


Of course, you could just stare back and see how he likes it. Just beware that he might actually like it. :)

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Originally posted by Ryan

Why guys stare:


1. You're hot.

2. You have big boobs.

3. Both 1 and 2.


(If #3 is the case, contact me by PM immediately)


We look at what we like. It's pretty simple. There is a possibility that you have some grotesque deformity such that guys stare in horror...but everybody would do it then. I don't know how frequent or commonplace this staring is throughout your daily life...but those are my suggestions.


LOL, Ryan I will PM you later! I think I'm pretty and I've got boobs but there not that big. You guys can jugde for yourself if you think I'm hot or not. Thanx to everyone who replied to my post now I know that I was right about why guys stare.


Here's my picture I don't know if I'm suppose to put it here or not:beach2bp.jpg



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Here's my picture I don't know if I'm suppose to put it here or not


If' that's real...yowza.


I'm staring. I think you have your answer.

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Originally posted by Ryan

If' that's real...yowza.


I'm staring. I think you have your answer.


Yep, that's really me! 100% REAL

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