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Eye contact overkill..

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This (attractive) guy I know is heavy with the eye contact. I turn around, and our eyes meet. He's always looking dead on, and holding it. It doesn't seem to happen quite as much during conversation, then we both tend to look away more...but if several feet a part, the eye contact is non stop, almost too intense for me to endulge in return, though I try, or at least smile. We are just friends and becoming better friends, but the eye contact thing has remained consistent. Trust me I love to look up and see his beautiful brown eyes, but I wonder if he even knows he does it. From past experience, even guys that liked me have never been so persistent with something like this, because for most people isn't it a bit out of "the comfort zone"? Everything else about us is strictly "friendly" terms, so I"m not sure that I understand it. I know he's single but I don't think he wants to ask me out, though I don't mind being just friends at all, because I enjoy getting to know him better anyway. I noticed these eye episodes will happen with just me, but no one else that might be around. I don't know what the overkill is all about? I have trouble with matching it, it's like a game of chicken and I'm always the one who bails 1st..

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Hi, Lovelace.

I wouldn't look at it as some 'competition' or turn it into a type of 'power struggle' (though I know that's not what you're really suggesting -- just, more accurate words aren't entering my brain at this moment.)


Even if such prolonged gazing IS out of the comfort zone of the majority, it seems as if he is an exception. So, I'd just leave him to it, and do whatever for as long as I am comfortable with, as my response. That's not "bailing" in my books, just practicing good self-management and proper self-care :)

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You're supposed to smile when you catch him looking, avert your eyes, lower your head, and walk away. It's called flirting, and inviting him to chase.


But if you're talking about a Charles Manson type of eye contact, just walk away, lol.

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Hi, Lovelace.

I wouldn't look at it as some 'competition' or turn it into a type of 'power struggle' (though I know that's not what you're really suggesting -- just, more accurate words aren't entering my brain at this moment.)


Even if such prolonged gazing IS out of the comfort zone of the majority, it seems as if he is an exception. So, I'd just leave him to it, and do whatever for as long as I am comfortable with, as my response. That's not "bailing" in my books, just practicing good self-management and proper self-care :)


Right I don't think its supposed to be competition that's just what it reminded me of. I guess I just wasn't sure of what he means by it or what I'm supposed to do with it, especially when it happens over and over..

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