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Have a bf, starting to have feelings for female I met in chatroom

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I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years, we're very close and are talking about getting engaged soon. Up unti recently I never doubted that he was the guy for me, and I love him a lot. The trouble is this.... I recently (a few months ago) started visiting chatrooms and got talking to a girl, let's call her Kate. We started talking every day for hours at a time, and I think I'm having feelings for her! I'm not a lesbian and I've never been attracted to a woman before but I can't explain this at all! She lives within an hour's drive and I'm tempted to meet up with her to see how I really feel. I'm afraid that if I don't, I might miss out on what could have been my perfect partner. But I do still love my boyfriend.... what does anyone think? I really don't know what to do!

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You have said "feelings". I suppose this is quite abstract. I have feelings for my friends. I think that the difference is that Kate is probably a lesbian and she has put you in the mood of explore something new. Am I wrong?

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You say you have been with your boyfriend for two years and you are very

closed to him and are thinking of becoming engaged soon. Don't you think

you should tell him about your feelings that you have toward this girl that

you have been chatting with and you have a desire to meet with her because

you don't want to miss out on something like this in your life? If the roles were

reversed wouldn't you want your boyfriend to be open and honest with you?

If you cannot be honest with your boyfriend now then you should not even be

thinking about becoming engaged. Your message indicates that you are thinking

about cheating on your boyfriend. Again how would you feel if the roles were reversed?

If you are that close with your boyfriend then you need to respect him and tell him

the truth about this other person and your feelings. I wish you luck.

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