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Beside myself

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curious jane



My husband just left me this weekend.

Its a long story.. he is american i am canadian, he has been living with me here for 2years, it is a month short or 1 year wedding anniversery


Since he has been with me i have paid for everything, rent, food, clothes, bills ect. He has been to Slovenia, Vancouver, Winnipeg and California since he has been with me.. all these places he was paid to go to but did not make a dime off of. Always hopes it would pan through why i sit here cleaning up the mess and paying the bills.

He could have found an under the table job here.. but he would not he always had to go.

And when times got rough he would threaten to leave i think this is the 3rd or 4th time he has done it.. and its very hard on me.


Last week he was away in California, my grandma had passed and i had a rough week... we was away at this thing, so he came back on a big cloud and claimed he was a changed man. When i met him with a skeptical eye he got mad and it went down hill from there...


He then went to my friends work pulled her aside and told her he was leaving me, and then went and told 3 other of my friends.. he thought he was doing them a favor so they would be there for me... they were horrified they knew before i did.


He then cleared out the joint bank account.. and he owes me thousands of dollars.. and when i ask for it back he just tells me his newest scheme for $


I am beside myself.. but there is still a part of me that does not want to let go...

Am i insane to want to keep this man in my life?

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I'm sorry Jane...what an awful thing to happen!!


He just sounds like such a child...and totally excitable, irresponsible, inconsiderat - he might never grow up!! if he has treated you like that for two years, I shudder at the damage he could do over ten/twenty years.


He sounds like he still wants to do whatever he wants and to hell with everyone else, even his wife...you would end up skint if you were withhim and maybe worse..maybe totally drained and downtrodden.

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Get a lawyer, ASAP.


Stop any and all deposits into the joint checking. Get him removed from any joint credit cards or accounts immediately. Call your bank and put a stop on any of those cards TODAY.


You need to protect yourself from this guy!!!!

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