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am i being played or not

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Have this guy and me and him have been seeign each other basically every weekend for a month. Started out thinking oh tis once or twice thing.well its lasted over a year now.He said he was living with his son but has said now that hes living with his son and ex wife that nothign is going on between them just a living situation at the moment.he calls me basically everyday at different times of the day.even calls from her phone and all.Is lookign for a job so he says to move out of her house.Should i believe him when he says there aitn nothign going on between them?

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If you want to know if he's having sex with his ex (have you seen the divorce papers, btw?), well, what do you think? Yeah, I thought so. He'll likely go on having sex with her as long as she'll let him. Is he seeing anyone else besides you? Probably.


I hope you're not considering him serious relationship material :)

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Yes...You are being played. My H sold that lie to his OW for a while. It was so far from the truth that it was almost laughable. Your bf is most likely still in a r with his W and maybe not even divorced.

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I would be on the safe side and assume you're being played. Maybe he'll move ut, maybe he won't, but keep your guard up or move on for the time being. Maybe he'll come back around once things have settled down and fallen into place for him (but don't count on it).

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How i know hes divorced is cause he was married to her 12 years ago they got divorced and he married another when they got divorced he had nowhere to go so the first wife is letting him stay with her.i guess time will tell.He doesnt say do not call my house he doesnt say oh i can only see u certian days.I have known him for almost 15 years. Just dont knwo what to believe really.And to answer the comment on if iw as black no i am not black i am white not that i see where what color am i has to do with me being played or not

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