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Moving in with friend

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So long story short...We have been platonic friends for about 4 years. This last year we have gotten very very close. The last 6 months or so we get very flirty and have a lot of fun at the bar and when we go out.


And just in the last 2 months I notice her reaching for my hand to hold it and then pulling away quickly. I normally just let it go but I did bring it up once when she did it and she said "sorry, its a habit."


I have told her I felt a while ago and about a month ago she told me that her heart is in the wrong place and if it wasnt it would be with me. She is adament about not wanting to ruin anything between us by taking a chance at something. Her friends and even my sisters tell us both we act like we are dating. So in her mind is this her way of feeling it out without really making anything official??




And to top it all off, we are moving out together into a 2 bedroom apartment soon.

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So I guess...whats everyones take on this? She just moving in super slow motion or what?

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Nooooooo! Don't move in together!!!!!!!


You will hate seeing her date other people. Having those guys come to the house to pick her up. Noticing when she stays out late, or stays out all night. You will be TORTURED by this.


And it will RUIN any chance you two have of being together. Living together allows you to see people at their worst, and allows you to get on each other's nerves or worse. You may think she farts rainbows and may not find her annoying habits annoying, but that's not likely how she feels about you.


I don't know if she's any more interested in dating you than she ever was, but she TOLD YOU she is not interested in dating you. She told you that. You need to take that at face value because if she did want to date you, there's obviously NOTHING preventing her except her own choice.

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What about from her view?? I can almost guarantee she will get jealous while I go out with other women (which I do). But neither one of us are dating anyone right now.


We have been close friends and like I said, mostly platonic up until about a year ago when we started spending loads of time together.

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