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too fat?

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I have a question for all you young men out there. Are the really thin girls the best looking? I weigh about 135 pounds. I'm not fat, but deffinatly no skin and bones. My ex boyfriend used to say that he likes my "curves" but to me, that just meant that I was chubby. How can I get over this self-esteem problem if it's always the girls who weigh 95 pounds that get the guys?

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Hey K.D., well I'm not really a young man any more, 40, but means I have more experience than some one who is 20 or 21 or so...NO I don't think 135 is fat... I have been married to two real life models, and they both were slim beautiful and bitches.... I know you have heard it before but it is not on the out side that counts,,, stupid me blew off the one girl in my life that was prob. the "one".. why ? because I was looking on the outside instead of what she was showing me from the inside... well that was a few years ago, and truely my loss...love those who love with their hearts and not with their eyes...been there, done that, got the tee shirt... good luck. remember always be true to your self....later James

Hello, I have a question for all you young men out there. Are the really thin girls the best looking? I weigh about 135 pounds. I'm not fat, but deffinatly no skin and bones. My ex boyfriend used to say that he likes my "curves" but to me, that just meant that I was chubby. How can I get over this self-esteem problem if it's always the girls who weigh 95 pounds that get the guys?
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Hello, I have a question for all you young men out there. Are the really thin girls the best looking? I weigh about 135 pounds. I'm not fat, but deffinatly no skin and bones. My ex boyfriend used to say that he likes my "curves" but to me, that just meant that I was chubby. How can I get over this self-esteem problem if it's always the girls who weigh 95 pounds that get the guys?

Hi, K.D.


Please do not let yourself get hung up on the wait issue. I would be lying to you if I told you that it did not matter, to most guys it does. There are plenty of guys out there that are attracted to things above and beyond physical traits, like myself. I have dated skinny girls and girls that are bigger and that distinction has not been a big issue. Lord knows I have my faults as well. 135 depending on your height does not sound at all very big to me. Above all have confidence I am sure you are a beautiful young lady, and there are many guys out there that will find you gorgeous, not just physically, but in regards to your personality as well. Bottom line though if you are not happy with the way you look, change it, it can be done. You are the only person in the world that you need to satisfy. 95 pounds, yuck!!!!!!


By the way, judging by your discription odds are I would think you are hot:o)

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Wow, there are some tough questions here.


There are so many answers to this question. There are men who absolutely adore obese women and will date no others. There are men that are repulsed by women who are one ounce over the prescribed weight for their size. And there are many in betweens.


Overall, I would say that lean and weight proportionate to height is most desireable.


Let's face it, though. Physical attraction is important to love. The real problem arises when someone is attracted to the opposite sex, a relationship ensues, and sometime down the road one or the other experiences rapid weight gain and goes from normal to obese. This can hurt a relationship really bad.


You can get over your self-esteem problem by going for guys who are attracted to you...or by losing a bit of weight and keeping it off. Your weight is not unhealthy and, unless you have a mustache, I am sure than many men out there would find you attractive.


The majority of men, I believe, do not feel bigger is better...when it comes to weight, that is.

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I'm not a guy, but I think you might like to hear from a woman who's been there. I have been 135 lbs. as well as painfully thin. Now I'm somewhere around 125-130, and definitely much happier than when I was scrawny. When I was that thin (not anorexic, but depressed), it did not make me feel better about myself. Seeing my ribs in the mirror only made me more depressed. Now that I have a healthy brain, I have a healthy body. And your boyfriend is right, curves ARE sexy! I believe mine are, anyway. Not because he or anyone else says so, but because I say so. Don't lose any weight. You're probably already gorgeous!

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Hey guys!


Thanx for the great responses. It's so comforting to know that there are people out there reading. I appreciate your honesty and tips. Still working on the conidance thing, as usual, but it really helps. You rock!



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