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What would happen if prostitution became legal in the U.S.?

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So apparently, prostitution is legal in Holland and they have what they call "brothels". It's a place you can go and pay for sex and they have prostitutes there. And it's legal!


I can't imagine that happening here in the U.S. But ya know, it's always possible that it might be legal someday. Apparently, in these brothels, the prostitutes are checked for STDs often so that diseases are not spread. I guess in that case, I don't really see anything wrong with it. I mean, prostitution has been around forever, and legal or illegal, it won't even stop. And it being illegal, a lot more STDs get passed around. And it's not any different than any average Joe going out and having a one night stand except for the money exchange.


I don't know, I just thought it was a bizarre thought of it actually becoming legal in the US. If it ever did become legal, I doubt it will be in any of our lifetimes.

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It's legal in Nevada???????????????


Ok, so maybe it will be in our lifetimes.....never knew!!!!!!!

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Ever hear of the "Bunny Ranch"???? That's where I got the name "Amazon" from!





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I've never really understood why prostitution is not legal. It seems odd to me that I can legally have sex with anyone (who is not a minor and consents), but once money changes hands, that act is illegal. It's a profession, and I don't see how it's different than any other profession. Making it legal and allowing the government to regulate and tax it could only benefit the workers--it would be safer, allow them to get disability and social security, allow police to spend their time on bigger crimes instead of devoting time trying to arrest prostitutes, etc.

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YOU ASK: "What would happen if prostitution became legal in the U.S.?"


Perhaps the economy would become a bit more robust and unemployment would go down!

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Here is an old question – making the rounds again.


Do you think sex for money should be legal? (prostitution)


How would it be regulated?


Who pays for medical costs incurred if a customer gets sick or hurt or pregnant?

What about if an employee (prostitute) gets sick or hurt or pregnant? Would this fall under Workman’s Comp?

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No. There are enough whores around that give it away now. If it is made legal, then I think it should be set up like the food industry - with inspectors and random checks, and they should keep records of their clients too for tax purposes.


And they should have higher insurance costs & not pass the high cost on to everyone else, and workmen's comp should be very clearly defined. But with so many sluts out there already I don't think it should be legalized.

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You better watch out, Hokey, this is one of those posts that "distract the people from those who are in "dire need" of advice".


I kind of agree with Moonie on this one.

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really kind of takes away from the idea of sex between a loving couple being something pure and beautiful, doesn't it?

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"I really resent the idea that the only reason someone might be good or moral is because they're religious. I do what I do... without hope of reward or fear of punishment. I do not require heaven or hell to bribe me or scare me into acting decently, thank you very much."


Anne Edwards in Mary Doria Russell's great novel, The Sparrow



---just thought I'd throw this out there---


Personally, I think the liabilities of running a "chicken ranch" (hey, I'm in Texas) would far out-strip (pun intended!) any profit that a legitimate sex business like prostitution, would make.


I also just think prostitution is "icky" :sick:

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This topic was just discussed a few days ago. Boy are we getting bored here. Jamie31's thread here---> http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t24860/?highlight=prostitution


In any case, the business dealings between a prostitute and client are probably the most honest and forthright possible. He knows what he wants, she knows what he wants, she knows how much she wants, he knows how much she wants....she delivers the goods, he pays. Bye bye...in most cases.

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really kind of takes away from the idea of sex between a loving couple being something pure and beautiful, doesn't it?


If there is a 'loving couple'. A lot of people who visit prostitutes don't have a regular partner. IMHO, a guy wanting sex and paying to get it from someone who knows this not going to lead to a relationship is better than him cruising the bars to find some desperate soul to use.


IMHO, masturbation is the way to go if you're hot to trot but don't have a partner, but I doubt we'll be able to persuade people to do that so why not set up licensed and regulated sex services the same way Holland has?


After all, the urge to have sex is not, inextricably linked with the urge to be loved - or to be loving - in many people.

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If prostitution were legal, like in Las Vegas?


They better not come near me on payday. I wouldn't be able to pay my rent -






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  • 2 months later...

If prostitution was legalized, I think a lot of things would change, especially if the prices where affordable. I think that for one thing, women would act a lot nicer. I noticed while I was in South Texas that girls there are a lot more friendly and less stuck up than in Missouri. I think that the close proximity to Mexico and its cheap, legal prostitution has at least something to do with that. It may be that these women realize that guys won't feel like putting up with their **** if the guys can drive 30 or 40 miles and have sex with someone that's even better looking than them for 25 bucks.


I think that's why so many women hate prostitution and complain so much when ever you mention it around them. They call it 'disgusting', 'immoral', 'degrading' and what not. I think the real reason that most women are so offended by prostitution is that it takes away their BARGAINING POWER!


The same women that bitch about prostitution are the same women that would never date a guy with a junky car or low paying job. They want a guy to buy them a diamond ring, new SUV, take them out to eat at fancy restaurants etc... in other words, the majority of women out there. What's the difference between them and a prostitute? Not a thing! They are just full timers as opposed to temps!

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I think your above reply is very cliche and a very uneducated response. I don't think that is at all why most women don't like prostitution. It IS degrading to women. I mean, there aren't very many male prostitutes...unless they are gay. But I mean, there are hardly ever men walking the streets looking for women to pay them to have sex. There are escort services, but that's a little different...it's not as trashy.


Whether it ever became legal or not...it would not change the way women are viewed in this society. It's a man's world, and probably always will be. Women will always be seen as objects, and will always be degraded. It may get a little bit better as the years go on, but somewhere, somehow.....women will always stay inferior. And it sucks.

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Well, Clatan, it's a funny thing. Some men actually want someone to get to know them and care for them. They want a woman to be a partner and companion in the long term. They want friendship, support, and love.


And you know what? You can't buy any of those things, no matter how much you pay your women-for-hire.


Frankly, I'd want nothing to do with a man who thinks short-term pay sex is superior to a genuine relationship. The prostitutes can have those guys and they're welcome to them.

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