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Crush saying she is unsure

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There is a girl I care so deeply for, and she does for me as well. We both like each other very much/have said "I love you" to each other, but we aren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend. She just recently went on a trip with a group of people for a DARE camp thing and they all ended up sick with the flu/food poisoning etc but now she is feeling somewhat bad. I gave her flowers yesterday for some background info..


Anyways she is acting fairly distant. She says she still likes me, but is just unsure about what she wants. She's felt this way she says ever since she came back from the trip so she doesn't know if it's just her sickness or not. She was also feeling that I acted like I didn't like her (I haven't been very physically affectionate because I am shy but I've been verbally affectionate over the phone/IM).


I've even said "I love you" a few times and she will reply with something like "oh btw thank you for the flowers, they made me very happy :)".


I am so confused. What is wrong? What should I do?

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well if you two have known each other for a long time then you have something that will help you. if you two have stuck together for a long time then it means you enjoy each others company, each others ideals, and means you have enough in common.



now as for saying " I love you".... I am a really shy person... I can not stand saying it unless I really mean it, so I really hope that without any doubt you mean it, and she means it.



as for how things have changed between you two after the trip.... many things could have happened. maybe she met some one(doubtful), she came to realize that she does not want anything more serious with you(it happens), she does need some time to adjust to her life again, or that she does not think you two would work and dating could mean an end to the friendship.



now actually fixing the problem....you should most definately JUST TELL HER, girls usually like it when you tell her what your intentions are and why you feel the way you do(I know describing why seems impossible, but just give it a try).



now the tough part. the physical affection.... I know what you mean. it is really hard for me to just put myself out there in person, but if you truly love this girl and believe she is worth it...THEN DO SOMETHING! I know it is easier to say it, I myself will have to do the same very very soon. well I do not know how your definition of affection is so I would just have to give you an example.... I will have to do something(as I told you to do :) ) and my plan is basically to one day when me and the girl are alone together, and it MUST be the right time, I will first move close to her, then pull her close to me and just tell her how I feel, what I think, and what my intentions are. ready for the most important part, ASK her what she feels.... when you are that close, looking into her eyes will tell you(eye contact is very important), the eyes can tell all.



now when you are that close try not to let a kiss to come out of it unless you get an answer...unless the moment is right.



well I really really hope I helped....just take it easy, breath, and use your best judgement*while following your heart* and things will work out.



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