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Is he cheating on me? Should I ask him why he did not come approach me?

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I've got a problem ere. Well, here's the story.


I've been dating this guy for a month or so now. He is 28 and I am 19. The thing about him is he has an ego, he's somewhat popular, good looks, sweet and charming. We've been meeting up pretty often until recently. He calls and messages me everyday to assure me that everything is alright. I can't blame him not able to meet me everyday cause he's a working man.


We're going on really great. He assures me that he likes me, he is not taking advantage of me (cause I'm 19), he would not hurt me and do things to make me sad and things like that. However, one night, he told me he would be staying at home. So I hung out with my girlfriends and when I was out, I saw him with his friends. He did not expect me to be there, definitely.


One big thing I did not understand was, his friends knows that he's dating me. Why didn't he come and say hie to me? Or why he didn't leave a message or a phone call that he saw me? Because I am 100% sure that he saw me at that night. Cause his friends were whispering and he turned and looked at my table. I am not pissed he's out with his friends. I just don't understand.


My friend said that " Any guy who has the slightest feeling for a girl would sure come over and say hie if not, let her know that he saw her ".


The thing now is, I am confused. Is he cheating on me? Should I ask him why he did not come approach me? What should I do? Cause I really don't understand why he did not come and say hie. HELP! I am confused on what he's doing.

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Is he cheating on me?


I don't know! Are you in an exclusive relationship with him?


Should I ask him why he did not come approach me?




What should I do?


Date other men! He's flaky!

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Any guy who lies to you, no matter how insignificant the matter may be, is not worth your time, love, or effort. Go find a guy closer in age to you. I like older men myself, but 19 and 28 is too big of a difference at that age. You need someone that can experience life with you, not someone who has already experienced a lot and is waiting for you to catch up. My advice, don't go with a guy more than 23 right now....and dump the 28 year old. It starts with small lies, and then when they see that you believe those lies, they move onto bigger ones, and move on and on until they are cheating on you.



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He msged first and later on he told me he did not see me that night. It's so obvious he was lying. I am pissed cause I might be wrong but it's so hard for my friends and I to think the same way and be wrong. I am telling him off later today. Wish me luck!


Thanks you guys! Really needed that extra push. ;)

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I'm not sure if his behaviour means he is cheating on you - he was out with friends after all, not another girl. BUT it's definitely immature ****ty behaviour on his part.

My theory is that he hasn't told anyone he is dating you, maybe he is embarrassed over the age difference, feels his friends would make fun of him "cradle snatching" if they knew. It's definitely odd that he told you he wasn't going out, then he did, didn't invite you and ignored you when you saw him out. He is hiding something.

Whatever it is, he isn't worth it sweetie, find someone your own age who is proud to be with you.

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