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My friend calls me when he's bored or wants to complain

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Which is about every night.


Consumes all my time while I'm sitting there listening to him whinning about everything in life. He's going through a very rough patch is his life right now but hello?? I also have my own miseries to deal with! I have decided I want to distance myself for now, but how do I do that? Any non-verbal hints I can make? He's a sensitive person, so I would prefer not to turn it into a discussion.

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OMG. This happened to me. We dated seriously for about 6-8 months. Then he basically broke it off and I was heart broken. Really. He would call me once or twice a day, not to talk about us - just to talk. Because I was in love with him, I let him talk, and didnt push for more. I thought he would eventually see that he wanted me in his life. This went on for 2 YEARS. Meanwhile, I was dating, haveing relationships, etc. - I had completely moved on. In fact, it got to the point that while I sometimes enjoyed his conversation, I usually didnt return his calls. I couldn't remember what I was so heartbroken about to begin with! He always just talked about him, didnt even ask many questions. But called daily! Eventually I mentioned I was moving and he asked why. I couldnt believe in the two years he had been calling me that he completely missed the fact I was not only in a relationship but getting freaking married. I didnt give him my new number or my last name.

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He always just talked about him, didnt even ask many questions. But called daily!


Ridiculous. This is exactly what he does. He calls me daily without failure just to talk about himself and everything happening around him. Even talks about equipments and technical stuff, things I know absolutely nothing about. After consuming hours of my time, he then casually asks "so how was your day?":rolleyes:.


I know he does not intend to do this, but it just has to stop.



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He always just talked about him, didnt even ask many questions. But called daily!


Ridiculous. This is exactly what he does. He calls me daily without failure just to talk about himself and everything happening around him. Even talks about equipments and technical stuff, things I know absolutely nothing about. After consuming hours of my time, he then casually asks "so how was your day?":rolleyes:.


I know he does not intend to do this, but it just has to stop.




Equipments and technical stuff?


Now that's romanitc.

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Which is about every night.


Consumes all my time while I'm sitting there listening to him whinning about everything in life. He's going through a very rough patch is his life right now but hello?? I also have my own miseries to deal with! I have decided I want to distance myself for now, but how do I do that? Any non-verbal hints I can make? He's a sensitive person, so I would prefer not to turn it into a discussion.


When my close friend was going through a seemingly neverending breakup, that is all I heard about. Everyday. Long stories detailing every little thing that happened between them that made her upset. And most of the things were pointless and not worth mentioning. Its a difficult position to be in because as a friend you have a responsibility to listen, but at the same time... enough is enough! My ears would have started to bleed if I heard one more story about her ex...:confused:


I think I ended up just doing the "uh huh, yeah..." as I listened and prayed she didnt catch on that I was just not interested... Maybe you can try to change the subject to something more positive before he goes off on a tangent? ;)

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