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Cultural differences

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I've just come off another messageboard, before I lost my temper!!!. Unfortunately the majority of British women on it appear to think that men cheat more than women.


This either completely defies all mathematical logic, or there's a small percentage of women out there, who are doing a LOT of entertaining.


Just wondering if this unfair opinion is prevalent elsewhere, or are people better at maths where you live??


Just curious!

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It is not likely that accurate data can ever be assembled on the subject because survey participants are not always apt to be completely honest on the subject.


You did not say if you were referring to married persons or single persons in a committed relationship. I do think married men are probably apt to cheat more often...and with both single and married women. That's just an intuitive guess. Statistics do show that the majority of divorces are initiated by women, but that doesn't tell much. My attorney friends who handle divorces say some 80 percent of their female clients who do not have children have someone else lined up for a relationship before initiating the divorce. Quite a few of those with children have someone else as well, but a lesser percentage.


I hope you will not put men and women in a competition for frequency of cheating. It is an unfortunate state of human affairs and it will continue until the sun burns to a crisp. As for your problem with the statistics, men could easilly cheat more often because there is a greater population of married and single women, young and old, available, vulnerable and ultimately agreeable to such a situation.


Of the posts I read here, I somehow feel like women fess up to and seek advice on their own personal escapades and contemplation of same more frequently than women.


With respect to affairs, there are major cultural differences around the world. There is a high frequency of infidelity among married men in Japan and other eastern countries. In the Arab regions, a man often has several mistresses and is expected to treat them all equal to his wife. If he gives a gold watch to the wife, the mistresses get them to. Most of the wives go along with this and many, I understand, are quite relieved the situation exists.


The topic may make an interesting book for you to write sometime.

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I meant to say in my above post that it seems women fess up to disloyalty and infidelity more often than men on the posts in the forum. Women also seem to relate that they have those types of thoughts or plans more often. Above, I said women both times.

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I've just come off another messageboard, before I lost my temper!!!. Unfortunately the majority of British women on it appear to think that men cheat more than women. This either completely defies all mathematical logic, or there's a small percentage of women out there, who are doing a LOT of entertaining.


Just wondering if this unfair opinion is prevalent elsewhere, or are people better at maths where you live?? Just curious!




okay, here's my theory. If you're strictly talking about sex as far as cheating, yes men cheat more often. That's because men separate love and sex more often than women do. Men are physical human beings, whereas women are emotional human beings. Many women have a hard time having sex with someone if they don't feel something toward a man. But many men don't have a problem with feelings when it comes to sex. So what stops men from cheating? It's because they don't want to hurt the woman they love. But there's more to cheating then just sex. Only society doesn't view it that way. Being intimate with anyone but your partner is cheating. So if you look at it that way, I think the statistics between men and women would be a little closer as far as who cheats more often.

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