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He lives in scotland!

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I went to greece this year, and met this really nice guy! We made out there and had a great


time! But since i live all the way in the US and he lives in scotland, im missing him night and


day! :( I talk to him online, but its just not the same!! How can I not miss him so much?!



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excuse me! But the scotish guys IS my boyfriend we really connected there! I had a boyfriend when i was in greece (from the US) and the whole time i was there i was thinking of a way to dump him nicely, becasue things just weren't working out! (and this way before I made out with the scotish guy.




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So if he's in Scotland, how often do you get to make out with him anyway?


My personal opinion is that it's beyond stupid to have a "boyfriend" overseas when you are 14. It's hard enough when you have the money to travel to see them regularly...

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so your advice is.......basically get a bf in the us, i can do that ;) . Ill still talk to him, and next year im accually going back to greece, and he may be there.





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Uhm, yeah, when I was 14 I think all that I really cared about was playing hair-dresser and putting on make-up with my friends. I really, honestly didn't give a Sh*t about boys until I was 17. Maybe I'm wierd, I dunno.



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No Hayley, I was that way too. Kids grow up too fast these days!! When I was 14, my biggest concern was people thinking I was weird because I still played with Barbies!!!! HA HA!!! :D

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I'll let you in on a little secret, I still played with barbies then too !


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HA Ha Ha HA!!!! I loved playing with Barbies!!!!! That was so much fun!!!


To tell you the truth, when my lil sis was about 9 or 10 (which was 2-3 years ago) we still gave her Barbies makeovers!!!! It's just one of those great memories of childhood!!! YAY BARBIES!!

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IN YOUR SECOND POST ABOVE, YOU WRITE: "excuse me! But the scotish guys IS my boyfriend we really connected there!"


See my first post above. What I was asking you was that in one post you're talking about making out with some boyfriend and describe exactly how you do it now and want to know how to do it better. The link to that post is above, in my first post. I'll put it here, again. ( http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t24921/ ) Then you come along here and talk about missing some guy, who lives in Scotland, night and day. I don't understand this. Am I going crazy...or did I miss some important details? What I don't understand is why are you so worried about how you make out with your boyfriend here if you're thinking about some guy in Scotland night and day???


Understand, though, I am not the sharpest night in the drawer. I need help with this one. Maybe I need my eyes pierced???

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Originally posted by Tony

I am not the sharpest night in the drawer. I need help with this one. Maybe I need my eyes pierced???


he, he, he…………… We can always rely on you for a laugh Tony!!!

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