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Friend opened up:

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I have a crush on this girl and she's amazing. This past weekend we went camping and it was pretty fun. We talked about a lot of things and she really opened up. I wonder if she likes me? I mean, we were sitting at a picnic table talking about relationships and she said she didn't want to date anyone under the age of twenty-one because eighteen years old could still be in high school and she wants to have fun with them. I got really defensive (because I'm eighteen) and was like, "You could always ask if they are in high school." She just laughed and nodded her head. I kind of wonder if she was trying to cover up the idea that she has a crush on me because she got really flustered over the eighteen year old thing. At night she argued with me over who was going to sleep where, it was kind of weird. We were camping with other people (four other people, to be exact) and since they were all coupled it was just her and I. She wanted me to sleep on the big couch while she slept on the floor. I tried to argue back and she just responded with "WOMAN!" (Did I mention we're both women?) So I ended up sleeping on the couch while she slept on the floor (even though there was a small couch that she could have slept on...). The next day she and I went swimming and it was a little weird. She has some gender issues (as soon as she leaves the Navy she's going to transition) so she went swimming in a swim suit, pants, and a tee shirt. While we were swimming I guess she reached the point where she was comfortable with me, so she took her tee shirt off. Someone else came into the pool (that we both knew) but she ended up putting her shirt back on. Later on we ended up talking about relationships, apparently she's working on getting a dog and then she'll get a girlfriend (the girl is silly). I asked if she knew when someone was flirting with her and she replied with a huge laugh, a silly grin, and a no. Later that night we were laying down for bed, this time I'd convinced her to sleep on the big couch, I was sleeping on the little couch. We talked about her gender issues and she really opened up about it. I told her that if I offended her and she didn't want to answer the questions she didn't have to. She told me that if I had the balls to ask the questions she should have the guts to answer them. On the way home she put on some Jack Johnson (for those of you who don't know who he is, he's way sappy) and we listened to him. On the way home she told me about her childhood and how she at some point in time was suicidal. She really really opened up to me. Could she like me?

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Ohhh, by the way, she really likes when I hug her. She seemed to get offended when I didn't sit by her on the way home one day. She was like, "you don't want to sit by me?" and I was like, "well, that's not why. There's someone else coming, so you need to get in the back." As soon as that person left the car, though, she moved up to sit beside me. When she got out of the car she hugged me for a really long time, it was cute. She's always letting me poke her, she's even reached a point where she'll thrust her elbow my way so I can flick it when I want to. Is she flirting?!

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(I'm talking from her point of view) It is fun to flirt, and it feels good to flirt with someone who you know is into you. But that doesn't mean that I waant a relationship with someone who I like to flirt with often. Personally I wouldn't read too much into things with her unless she makes a clear pass at you on her own, or if you wanna jsut get ballzy and test the waters go in for a kiss and see how she reacts. Worst case scenario is that she'll tell you she just wants to be friends. But reguardless, don't stress out over it too much. PLus, if you don't seem too into her, and she actually is in fact into you, you're casual attitude will only make her want you more. Good luck!;)

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