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Girl I've liked for a long time...

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There is this girl that I've known for a few years. She has been in my circle of friends for a while and I see her every now and then, but until recently I've been too shy to talk to her very much. Another thing is that one of my really good friends was talking to her for a little while, but I'm not sure how involved they were. But my friend moved away and doesn't live here anymore, but he is still a good friend of mine.


Anyway, I ran into this girl not too long ago and talked to her for a little while, and to make a long story short, I've been talking to her online for a little while and I want to take her out, and I think she will go, but I have a few concerns.


First, I'm not sure if she even likes me (but she did smile at me quite a few times when we were talking, and I seemed to make her laugh). I am not good at picking up on this stuff. And I'm not sure where a good place to take her is, dinner, movie, drink, something else. My second and major concern is if and how to make a move. Should I make a move on her when I'm not really sure if she likes me considering she is in my circle of friends and I'll have to see her eventually if I get rejected? And also all my friends would hear about what happened. And I'm not even sure how I would go about making a move on her. I'm a little out of the game, and again I'm not sure if she likes me. Another big concern is my friend. I'm not sure how he feels about this girl, and I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings in any way. But I don't want to talk to him about it before I know if there is anything even between me and this girl.


Any advice would be great.

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Just go for it man. Talk to this girl and don't worry too much about how your friend feels. If he starts acting funny because of this then just straight up tell him that he never told you if he and that girl were involved in the first place. Now, going back to this girl, it's true that you don't know how she thinks of you but seriously that's the point of talking to her and going out with her, so both of you can get to know each other better. I know this is all easier said than done but you have to muster up the courage to do this otherwise that's one opportunity wasted.

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