radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 I am lost. can't find anyone to talk to. please someon help me talk to me I am in pain and it is killing me just a sign of life please am crying Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 i am crying just tried to call 2 friends asleep all. no answer I need someone to talk to please Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Bean Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 Talk to us, hon. We're listening. Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 i'm typing just so i don't stop someone just talk to me don't know what else to do turn to Link to post Share on other sites
9Lives Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 i am crying just tried to call 2 friends asleep all. no answer I need someone to talk to please Whats the matter? Link to post Share on other sites
Meaplus3 Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 Please do talk..How can we help? AP:) Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 thank you so much can't sescreen as i am crying Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Bean Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 Do you want to tell us whats upsetting you? Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 i miss her so much and it hurts my girlfriend of 7 years went to africa and cheated on me Link to post Share on other sites
Meaplus3 Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 Did you just find out this news? Link to post Share on other sites
Angel1111 Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 Wow, that hurts. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. Link to post Share on other sites
lofi_tokyo Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 I'm sorry for your pain. Thats really terrible Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 i am trying but the system takes 60 sec to post. I will try to explain between tears she is in africa and stayed there to long. she already chated on me before. we been tryng to work it out now i get these messeges on my phone that we'll tak when seh gets back to europe.( i am in caribbean. she violated my trust and our sanctity. I want to talk to her but can't. i wnt to hurt her but i love her. Link to post Share on other sites
9Lives Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 i miss her so much and it hurts my girlfriend of 7 years went to africa and cheated on me Try to stop crying and tell us what happen...where is she now? Did you break up or what Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 no, I fund outr last monday. had my darkest period 3 days ago. went of island to do my dream dive ( dream of 10 years) but couldn't do it. I m afraid i'll do something to myself she's done this before once and it tore me apart. we were handleing the situation. she's comming over in 1 month and she does this. telling me she has feelings for him etc. she's a danser and so is he. i never stopped het from living her life. encouraged her to be happy. it costed me allot. see her so little as we live in different area's but as we've been through allot tpgerher we alsways made it. Link to post Share on other sites
9Lives Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 no, I fund outr last monday. had my darkest period 3 days ago. went of island to do my dream dive ( dream of 10 years) but couldn't do it. I m afraid i'll do something to myself she's done this before once and it tore me apart. we were handleing the situation. she's comming over in 1 month and she does this. telling me she has feelings for him etc. she's a danser and so is he. i never stopped het from living her life. encouraged her to be happy. it costed me allot. see her so little as we live in different area's but as we've been through allot tpgerher we alsways made it. Well, right now you are in a very emotional state so I,m afraid to tell you what I really think about your chic. I will say this....You need to back off of her for your own good. You are kinda blind to who this girl is and the respect she carries for you and the relationship. It hurts like hell and I am sorry to see you hurting so bad. Believe me we all understsand Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 she went missing for 20 days. i thought she was dead. wooried sick and then she sends em a sms. i'm oke, read your mail. The thing is that we are sooo deeply connceted. knew here when we were all in very hard times. I've gone over my personla bounderies to keep this relationship going. the last time she did this, she wanted to be with him but within a week found out he was not the thing. I loed her and accepted her as I appreciate her. now it is same agian I Can tell you she will found this out agian. but why is she hurting me so bad. I find myself going through her things as i know how to do so. she's made me soo confused that i am out of vcotrol for my quest to make sense Link to post Share on other sites
Angel1111 Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 I think that you think her cheating is about you but I don't think it is. I know it hurts to lose someone, and to be cheated on, and this is a very dangerous place to be because a LOT of people who are betrayed often think of killing themselves. Please don't let yourself go there. I promise you that the sun will shine again and you'll wonder what on earth you were thinking at the time. I know it doesn't seem like it now but it will happen. There are so many good people out there. And she may be a good person but to cheat on someone twice - I'm with 9Lives, you probably don't want to hear what I would have to say about how low-class and callous that is. She saw the first time how much it hurt you and yet she did it again??? That's just plain selfish. Please try to get a handle on yourself. This happens to a lot of people and it is truly devastating. BUT, you must look at this for what it actually is - she does not have much character and obviously no morals. This does not make you unlovable. People pull themselves out of this and you can do it, too. I know - it's like a knife in your heart. But you will stop hurting. I promise you. She is not worth you doing something drastic. She is not worth it. I don't care how beautiful, how talented, how anything she is. She is not made of anything substantial to have done this to you again. Do you understand that? No one is worth hurting yourself over. No one. Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 thank you nine lives. i just can't get it to stop. The pain grows and numbs me. she sent me me message yesterday that she'll contact me when she;s back. meanwhile she sends everyone mail as I am lost here. don;t dare telling my friends i feel so ashamed and lost. i am not good enough for her. she's been cheated on before and I know how it feels. we made a promise to take care of eachother an always be honest. to communicate and tell the truth. and when we find it difficult we can rely on eachtother. TALK before we act. I asked her...saying i am worried about her being so far for so long. i am worried. we skyped every 2 days. the she had an injury. couldn't skype but messaged me that she was hurt. it went dead silence then next thing i find out she cheated on me ( several times with this man) When i spoke my doubt before, seh assured me that i need not worry,. she isn't attracted to colored men. the people with her are just lonely and she likes me and misses me. imagine the shock when i found this out Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 you are so sweet. unfortunalty I found myslef running in the streets 30 mnutes ago looking for somone to talk have friend aroudn teh orner. not there. I feel so alone and dirty. violated and the knife in heart. I want to stock ot deeper. make it stop Haven't slept in days nor eaten. try to be cheerfull. allas. I am a diver and a law student. this has serious affect on my safety with clients and my study. devastested therefore i was also withhldng to do this dive recently try to suuround myslef wuth lovind caring people around me. it is as a sugar coat. It keeps burning inside Link to post Share on other sites
Angel1111 Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 YOU'RE not good enough for HER??? You must be joking. She's been cheated on before, cheated on you twice, and she knows how all this feels. You have put a crown on a pig, as far as I can tell. You give her way more credit than she ever earned. Healthy love does not lie, and it does not make you feel ashamed. I have no doubt that you love her but this love is very unhealthy. Link to post Share on other sites
Meaplus3 Posted October 13, 2008 Share Posted October 13, 2008 I'm real sorry your going through this.. and I'm sure it hurts. The fact that she has cheated on you is NOT in anyway your fault.. it's an issue with her IMO. You really have to get a hold of yourself here.. and realize that right now your in heat of these feelings when they hurt the most.. but the feelings will pass.. and you will calm down and be able to put things into perspective. Really.. you can work though this. Keep posting. Hugs. AP:) Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 i write and write but the pains does not budge not an dinch just tine and tear not crying anymore am exhausetd but am afraid to close eyes. nightmare wil come AM SOO ANGRY. so alone and hurt. Meaplus. i know it subsides. thoery is so, but THIS is MY achillis heel. it causes my death I been here before and it took lots of years and many people to help me through this. then last year happened.( around my b-day) This time it was our anniversary. she has major commitment problems. Last year hurt me. I gone on. put myslef in extra vulnerable positions. be a lauiging stoke for my family and friends last week when i had my alltime low of this affaire, i smsed my dad. haven;t spoken to him in months. we don;t have a good relationship but i was lost. he only said. to bad,take care and life goes on. hung up. What am i to do? IT is seriously killimng me. no joke an dnot a metafore. the emotions are eating me up. I am addicted to my own poison. Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 please dnon't go pleas dont leave keep talking to me . keeps me busy pleease it takes so long to relpy. is there an easier way? I think i will pass out soon. exhaustion. eyes are heavy already lots o r typo's i will fall asleep but wake up within 5- 30 minutes sweating and worse the pain and emotions grow when i sleep. Link to post Share on other sites
Author radhi Posted October 13, 2008 Author Share Posted October 13, 2008 where is everyone? please someone just talk to me say something pleaase Link to post Share on other sites
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