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Tony, you are right


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Oh Tony, you are so damn right........all the stuffs you said, all came rolling out. Thank you. In a way, you've helped me prepare for such a setback.


But right now, I've lost her as a friend. She said


"If it takes me not to talk to you, hang out with you just for you to forget me, if it means even losing this friendship, I'll do it."


I feel so guilty, how can I ever get back her friendship?

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I don't enjoy being right in a lot of cases and this is one.


To win back her fondness and respect: honor her wishes...stay away from her, do not contact her, do not send her messages, do not discuss her with her friends or anyone that could get information back to her, try as best you can to forget her, and get on with your life. Be kind if you see her but be brief in any accidental encounter. If she calls, be brief as well.


What you are going through is not easy but it's very much a part of life. These are what bring us closer to our ultimate true love and the real happiness we seek. We can never be happy with someone who does not truly want us the same way we want them.


I am astounded at the masses who want to hang around after being told the other person just isn't interested. Getting someone to love you is not like selling encyclopedias. You can't talk someone into loving you.


I am happy that you've gotten to this point because you are capable of such passionate love for another, you will absolutely glow when the right situation comes along...and you won't have to ask us if it's right, YOU WILL KNOW IT!!!

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