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I want to stop but I always have this feeling of mistrust that he is going to hurt me

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I need advice on being insecure. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 Years but I still feel very insecure. My last relationship before him was hard on me, very emotionally abusive taht went on for 1 1/2 years then he left me for another girl. My problem is that the guy Im with now is the love of my life, he is everything I want and more, he feels the same way about me. Im so scared he will leave me. I ask him questions Where have you been?and so on. I snoop to find things I dont really want to find. Im afraid Im driving him away. I want to stop but I always have this feeling of mistrust that he is going to hurt me. How do I get past this? He has already put up with alot of this insecurity and has been very patient :D Do I need pro. help? Why cant I make these feelings go away? Do all people feel this way HELP

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You don't need him. I'm not saying break up with him. You just stated it yourself that your looking/waiting for him to screw up. So that you can be the one to push him out of your life. It's easier to throw than to be thrown(away that is). Your problem is not with your boyfriend it's with your past relationship. your still dealing with ex. Just an idea when a thought crosses your mind about bf being unfaithful stop. Take a second to think about the pictures, thoughts, words that wandered threw your head. Analyze them is this something that your bf would really do. Are you taking your past experience out on him. Was there something similar to this experience that relates to the past. Truly you shouldn't be with someone just because the makes you feel good. With no trust you will never be happy and develop a co-depent life wit means you will never be happy without someone and encourage negative behaviors just to be with someone. That doesn't seem like a happy place. What do you think? Life is about learning and if you set yourself up for failure your bound to fall. The trick is you know thyself. Those we choose to have in our lives, can't be nothing more than who they have grown to be. No one is picture perfect. We all are writing our own stories.


Expect the worse look for the good.

Know yourself. Be yourself.

One thing you can always count on is change. You just can't control it.


One more thing most important. You will never be happy with anyone if your not happy with yourself.

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Don't feel bad about your feeling, I feel the same way. I'm with the woman of my life right now and I get those feelings, but I think she gets those same feelings too. I'v been with this woman for allmost 2 years now and she think when I go out I' looking for other ladies, but thats not true. But I feel the same way when she goes out w/out me, I feel like she is looking for another man. I guess this is what they mean by being INSUCRE!! If you find a way to fight this insecurity let me know!!

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