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Just Being Nice? I have these feelings for him that he'll prolly never have for me

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okay i have known this guy for about three years. my brother started a band with him three years ago and he was always at our house. and he's always been nice to me....like at first he was a little weird since he didn't know me n i was younger but now he's so nice. like he always calls (but he calls to talk to my brother...) but if i answer the phone he talks to me...well WE talk for about an hour or longer..depending on how long i can stay on the phone before i get yelled at....we could probably talk about three hours if we wanted to. and he moved to another state (not THAT far away though) so i nevr really get to see him. well he came up to record a cd with my brother and sometimes we'd sit down or something and just talk for like a half hour or something and he'd be like hey come out and hang otu with us or something. and everytime he'd come out of the bathroom or something he'd just come in my room and hang out for awhile. he's just so incredibly nice to me and i really love him...as a friend of course. but like...i guess he's just being nice..like i ever wonder if he'll ever like me as more than a friend. he was all like it was so cool seeing you again! and all that..i guess when i wrote this the more i see we're just friends. but...it's cool because i KNOW him. and he talks to me like every chance he can and..nevermind. i'm just confused. i'm just ever wondering if i'll always just be his buddy. I mean at his school he's going to now all the girls are bisexual practically so he can't really date anyone....and i dunno. i hate this! i have these feelings for him that he'll prolly never have for me...any advice?

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You dont have to worry about him not liking you. Usually when a guy goes out of his way to talk to you he wants to be more than friends. maybe he hasnt done anything because your his friends sister. I think u should approach him. Hope I helprd :)

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i will add some male insight into this since it seems only females have posted. Personnaly i ussualy

talk to girls i like as much as i can because i am to shy to ask them out. we guys do this alot because we think maybe if i talk to her alot she'll like me and ask me out.


this si just how lots of guys think because even though we dont like to say it we are very insecure about realationships and we absulutly dread rejection and enbarrisment. so i saw ASK HIM OUT if you like really do have these feelings you say you have. because im almost sure he will say yes, his actions are just screaming i really like you, you just need to understand what guys do wich can some times be very confusing.


well i hope this hwlped keep us updated.

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but now i'm def. sure that one of my other guy friends is real interested in me...err..it's hard to wait for someone...

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well if two men are interested in you, then you have 2 choices 1) dont go out with either of them or 2) find the one you like the most and and start trying to develop a bit more of a relationship with that person.


i know i would take #2 in this situation but its up to you to pick wich you think is the right choice for you.


well hope this helps keep us updated

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well, the guy i was talking about in the beginning...i talked to him for three hours last night...until 4am hahaha. and i would rather just be best friends. cuz i treasure our friendship. actually cuz he lives like 2 hours away gah. he said that he never really shows his emotions and stuff but that's besides the point. now, the OTHER guy i mentioned later...well...we're friends and he just outta the blue asked me out on a date i was suprised. n he flirts w/ me and stuff and says really....i-like-you kind of things. n he picks on me n stuff...and he acts like he likes me...but tonight he came up and talked to me and stuff but like 10 min. later he just kind of walked away and wouldn't talk to me and i tried to get his attention but he jsut looked at me and turned away. then like 5 min. later he comes over and talks to me. (this is at practice) then he like runs up to other girls and teases them...then he comes back to me and flirts w/ me. then goes away for like 3 min then waits for me and walks with me again. then walks away. and talking to all these other girls n stuff and i get really jealous and i'm SOOO incredibly mad by now cuz of these incredibly mixed signals. i hate guys. they suck.

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well maybe he is just testing the waters because he is getting mixed signals from you. Or its possible he just kinda had a little fling the only way to be certain is to ask him, and sincee your not going steady then its fine for him to flirt with other girls, it would only be wrong if you were going steady so i guess my advice is just ask him.

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