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Love Doctors Rescue Me


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Hi pple.


Well I guess my story with that girl ends here. Now I'm so lost.


I'm scared to love anyone again. This is a serious heartbreakin' experience for me. I've never loved someone so seriously and wholeheartly before and now I'm left stranded as thou the last train gone by.


How can I find another girl I'd love again when all this had happened?


I'm not exactly good lookin'. I'm an average lookin' guy with a body I'm not too proud of. I think too much, expect too much from love. Right now.....my self-esteem is so low...I dun think I can recover from it.


I feel so low down that I feel like giving up my life. My studies have been so affected, I dun feel like studyin' no more. I'll probably fail everything this semester.....


Pls dun reply back with advice like: Pick urself up, U'll learn to love again, u'll find the right one one day etc...


I need to know how


how to pick myself up....how to love again...how I know who is the right one this time round.....


it's not easy fixing this broken heart...but if there's a doctor who can fix it....I'm ur patient.....

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No doctor can fix it, you must.


First of all, forget the ladies right now and deal with the healing process. It will take you a while to get over this ordeal. Everyone goes through that. If you can't handle the risk of being hurt, then forget ever falling for someone again.


Do good things for yourself. Get a new haircut, lose weight if you need to, get in shape, eat right, get yourself looking the best you can...for your own sake.


Generally, women that would be worth your time will be looking for a kind, loving, warm, SELF-CONFIDENT guy...not necesarilly someone out of GQ Magazine. Smart women often feel those guys are so stuck on themselves that a fulfilling relationship with one is impossible. So don't worry about your looks. Just be yourself. Most ladies may have sympathy for but are NEVER attracted to a man who is down on himself.


Take charge of your feelings. Don't fall in love so quickly. Give it some time. If you are seeing someone and you start feeling they aren't interested in you, move on. Don't try to force something.


If you don't go out on another date for a year, that's OK. Be with friends. Get yourself going again. Ultimately, this lady you were in love with will take up two seconds of your thoughts once a year...so why not speed up the process.


So give yourself some time...and when you feel it's the right time, start meeting other ladies. Even though our hearts aren't very smart sometimes, by going slow and getting to know somebody first before falling, you can have a much better idea of the direction the relationship might go.


Don't ever give any woman the power to make you flunk out of school, stop eating, be down on yourself, lose sleep, contemplate giving up on life, etc. You must retain all power over your life. No woman is attracted to a man she can have that kind of power over.


If your most recent post seeks an easy fix for your sadness and depression, it doesn't exist. The only person who can speed that process can be seen by looking in a mirror.

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