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Best Friend Giving Mixed Signals. =/

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so theres this girl i met about 4 months ago, we started getting really close really fast and started talking everyday whether it was online, texting or in person (we just 'clicked' together) . anyway we got to the point of being best friends, and i fell head over heels in love with her, she already had a boyfriend but i know she likes me as more than a friend - because when we're alone she flirts alot and jus gazes into my eyes and tell me she loves me and starts cuddling and stuff.


so the other day i said something dumb that kind of hurt her feelings, and she doesnt want to be as close as we were but only because she thinks when we get close we fall out and it hurts us both. but i still know she has feelings for me, and the only reason she said it is because she wants me to run back to her. is running back to her the best thing to do? and how do i get out of being in this apparent 'friend zone'. i know she has a boyfriend but they are probably going to break off soon. i really do love this girl to bits and need any advice ASAP :(

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My advice? Don't contact her. See if she pursues you. If she does then she is interested, if she doesn't she isn't. 'Course my advice is a bit jaded at the moment :p

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Hmm yeah, she doesnt talk much anymore - but shes still the one that texts me first. Even if it is a short message shes always the one that texts first - does that mean anything? And she said she just needs a bit of space and time.. what does that mean?

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well i gave her a bit of space, and now its always her thats coming up to talk to me. although we're not as close as we were (we probably will get as close again though), shes still talking to me - but never says i love you anymore :/. have i ruined my chances?

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Honestly I don't know. She obviously is pursuing you. Have you made any moves in return or are you just being a bump on a log?

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She knows i want to be closer with her but i havent made any huge moves (cos shes got a BF still :/), but shes goes very hot & cold with me. one day she might be the happiest girl in the world, the next not even wanting to talk hardly...

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She's having her cake and eating it too. She has a boyfriend, and she has a plaything (you) on the side. She'll continue to string you along for the attention as long as you keep giving it to her. And if she was really serious about being with you, she would have ditched her bf four months ago.


You can either continue to be strung along, or find another single woman who is willing to focus her attention on you, and you only.

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Hmm i cant just let go man, ive got strong feelings for her now. And i know we would be amazing together. She knows she has feelings for me, shes just scared to let anyone know :/.

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my advice go out have fun, make her see that your enjoying yourself, then if she really likes you she will get jealous, relise that its you she wants, and maybe even break up with her boyfriend but until she is single i wouldnt bother because you wont be anything but mates until that day

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Hmm i cant just let go man, ive got strong feelings for her now. And i know we would be amazing together.


If you want to waste your time and emotions on this woman, go right ahead. I wasted 3 years on a woman like that and I'll never get that time back.

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OP, it's just an ego feed. It seems real to you but it's just a well-oiled script for her. The script was written back when she used to wrap daddy around her little finger :)


Imagine you as her BF and her doing the things she's doing with you with another guy. Yeah...

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