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How do I know if he feels the same way I do?

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I've been working closely with this guy at work for quite sometime now and I tryed asking him out, but I could'nt so a friend asked for me, He said to her that he was very flattered but not ready for a realtionship and when he is he will tell me. Well the next day I was cleaning his classroom I said that I was sorry and that I wanted to ask him my self but I was to chicken **** to do it my self, he looked at me and smiled and said that he was flatted but he said that there's this girl he's friends with and he dosen't no were its going, but he said you never know things might turn differently. So why did he not say this to my friend, is he letting me down gently or not. He is very chatty with me at work and I can't get rid of these god dame butterflys in my stomach. What shall I do, please someone help, I'm useless at reading men.

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Leave him alone, understand he's said 'no'. He's being completely honest with you, so give him some space. But don't put your life on hold for 'maybes'.

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