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What to DO After Break??


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Me and my boyfriend just recently broke up a week ago, two days after our One year anniversary. He says it is because I kissed another guy in December, but that doesn't make sense since he has been ok about it until now.


He said that we will still get back together but this past week he has been so cruel to me I can't even repeat some of the things he has said to me. But even though he is being cruel I keep calling and I keep taking it because I love him so much and I want him back.


Also it's weird because after we broke up we had sex a few days later...I am confused it seems like he wants me but not to be his girlfriend.


I want to know how to just say goodbye to him because he is hurting me so bad but I can't say bye. I don't know how to do it because I have done it a couple times and then I just end up calling him up and saying that I still want to wait and see what happens. I can't take it anymore but I can't leave him forever either so what should I do please help me...

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You have to think more of yourself than to be around someone who is cruel to you. There simply is no way that a sane person can love someone who treats them bad. You are simply used to the way things were before but, once compromised, they seldom return to that previous state.


Understand that you must simply move on, go through the pain of the break-up and strongly resist the urge to call him. There's really nothing to talk about. Sure it will be difficult but it is simply not rational to want someone back who has started treating you poorly and with no respect.


When someone breaks up with you and comes back for sex, it's because they have no respect for your feelings and they are using you for a sexual outlet until they start seeing someone else. It happens everyday. Don't let yourself be used unless it is mutual and you can handle it.


You don't need to say good-bye to him. Why would you want to do that to someone who thinks so little of you? Get gone. You simply have to think a lot more of yourself than to put yourself through this kind of agony.


The insanity of breaking up with you at the end of March for kissing a guy in December is truly bizzare. However, I do suggest that in the future, if you must kiss other men while you are seeing someone, know that if you get caught there may be consequences to pay.


Take some time for yourself and look forward to dating a guy who will treat you far better than this one.

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Me and my boyfriend just recently broke up a week ago, two days after our One year anniversary. He says it is because I kissed another guy in December, but that doesn't make sense since he has been ok about it until now. He said that we will still get back together but this past week he has been so cruel to me I can't even repeat some of the things he has said to me. But even though he is being cruel I keep calling and I keep taking it because I love him so much and I want him back. Also it's weird because after we broke up we had sex a few days later...I am confused it seems like he wants me but not to be his girlfriend.


I want to know how to just say goodbye to him because he is hurting me so bad but I can't say bye. I don't know how to do it because I have done it a couple times and then I just end up calling him up and saying that I still want to wait and see what happens. I can't take it anymore but I can't leave him forever either so what should I do please help me...




I'd just like to add some advice about dating. Yes, I do agree that you need to call it quits for good with this guy.


As far as dating goes, it is meant to be fun. That means that you don't date someone exclusively unless you are in love with them. Dating is a time to meet and go out with people you are attracted to and interested in spending time with. Enjoying people's company is what makes us feel more alive. When you fall in love you will know it. You won't have a desire for other people. And you won't feel like you may be missing out on something better. So until you feel that way, go out with as many people as you like.

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Me and my boyfriend just recently broke up a week ago, two days after our One year anniversary. He says it is because I kissed another guy in December, but that doesn't make sense since he has been ok about it until now.

This is one of the lamest reason a guy could give as a reason for break-up. That also depends on the type of kiss. If if was a peck on the lips or cheek he's just being mean and he's making you feel guilty. If you were frenching that guy and he saw it, then it's a whole different story.

He said that we will still get back together but this past week he has been so cruel to me I can't even repeat some of the things he has said to me. But even though he is being cruel I keep calling and I keep taking it because I love him so much and I want him back. Also it's weird because after we broke up we had sex a few days later...I am confused it seems like he wants me but not to be his girlfriend.

He's being a creep and an a**h*** now. Guys dun need to love the gal to have sex with her. As long as she's physically attractive, he's up and humping. You were used by him as a sex object. Don't ever give him another chance for him to do that to you. You may still feel emotionally bonded when you were having sex with him, but I think I dare say that he's just enjoying the physical pleasures of sex.

I want to know how to just say goodbye to him because he is hurting me so bad but I can't say bye. I don't know how to do it because I have done it a couple times and then I just end up calling him up and saying that I still want to wait and see what happens. I can't take it anymore but I can't leave him forever either so what should I do please help me...

I'm in the same fix as you are, I can't stop calling this girl who rejected me because I feel so real and comfortable with her. So I can't help you there. But what I can say is this guy not only has lost his feelings for you, he is a manipulative creep that certainly knows that he's getting laid with a person he no longer loves. Maybe you should think of that everytime u wanna give him a call. Try it, it might work.......as for me, I can't find a single fault with the girl who broke my heart....over and over again


God Speed

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