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Snobby Co-Workers show up to party

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I have a good female friend of mine (she's got a boyfriend and figures this fall sin the friends and lovers category), but she's a cool person...and she works in the Hospitality industry.


She really doesn't spend much time with he co-workers outside of work, so she figured she'd do them a favor by inviting them to this social gathering/party among us friends who have known each other a while...introduce them to our group.


Well, they show up to our gathering, and the mingling starts, some well known gentleman of the group starts to chat with them....and they treat him as some "creepy guy" that tried to approach them in a nightclub. (Or basically a man they aren't interested in) They are short with him or don't even answer him.


They started treating other people in the same manner, and they wound up leaving early because the "good looking men" are in this part of town. (they said this jokingly...but we all know it's no joke)


And the gentleman says to my female friend, "Um...what's with those ladies?? They friends of yours?"


And she was really embarassed by their behavior and said, "I'm really sorry, I thought I'd just invite them after work, I typically don't hang out with those people anyhow."


Guess she saw their true colors when interacting with other people, and was quite embarassed by them.


Do any of you have friends like this and then ,what's funny is...they cant' figure out why they can't find a decent man......?


Ever seen them in action...but fail to recognize that the action they're doing to push away men is really their own undoing?


She tells me when at work, when they are talking about "men" they whine about how they can't find a good man.....funny, when they approach them...they treat them like crap.


I keep hearing these theories "It must be YOU that's doing something wrong!" When the reason is quite obvious?






Anyhow, most of these co-workers of hers are 2 time divorced women who took their husbands with some fat cash and nice household goods over previous divorces.

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Well, they show up to our gathering, and the mingling starts, some well known gentleman of the group starts to chat with them....and they treat him as some "creepy guy" that tried to approach them in a nightclub. (Or basically a man they aren't interested in) They are short with him or don't even answer him.


Being short with him or even ignoring him might not be rude under certain circumstances.


Some people just don't get along, maybe they perceived him as being creepy. Was he hitting on them?


As far as the "good looking men" comment goes, I wouldn't be bothered by it. It's not like it was a huge loss for you that they left. I would just let it go. If you want to get back at them though, the next time something like this happens, you could always respond with "That's all right, the part of town you are going is really far better suited for snotty girls anyway."



Do any of you have friends like this and then ,what's funny is...they cant' figure out why they can't find a decent man......?


Ever seen them in action...but fail to recognize that the action they're doing to push away men is really their own undoing?


She tells me when at work, when they are talking about "men" they whine about how they can't find a good man.....funny, when they approach them...they treat them like crap.


What they consider to be a good man might be different than what you or even some of their friends would consider a good man.


One of my best friends once had a gf that I thought was one of the most annoying women I have ever met. I really couldn't stand her and the feeling was mutual.

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Cherry Blossom 35

There is a guy like this I know and see in social situations. I am uncomfortable around him and so are some of my friends. He asks us out and when we say no he gets really pouty and emotionally manipulative. I actually can't stand him and he did it again the other day. So yes, I am short with him. I would rather be the last single person in the nursing home than go out with this man.


Just because a woman is single doesn't mean she has to go out with any old guy who talks to her.

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Do any of you have friends like this and then ,what's funny is...they cant' figure out why they can't find a decent man......?


Ever seen them in action...but fail to recognize that the action they're doing to push away men is really their own undoing?


She tells me when at work, when they are talking about "men" they whine about how they can't find a good man.....funny, when they approach them...they treat them like crap.


I keep hearing these theories "It must be YOU that's doing something wrong!" When the reason is quite obvious?




Yeah, they are all divorced.. and still whine all the time about their exs. Though maybe it was a case of too much alcohol? Who knows? Plain rude though.

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