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Freaking Out(his Dad is so Blahh) PLEASE READ!!

totally lost

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totally lost

my Boyfriends Dad Hates Me and It bugs the Crap out of ME!!


He is constontally Trying to break me and His son Up for no reason!


heres some facts you need to know to better advise me


umm his dad owns a buissnessand my boyfriend Is homeschooled so that he can work more often


like 7 days a week!


anyway He's 17 and so am i latly me and My friends have gone to the mall were he works And no we don't bug him I was walking around and this girl bent over and her butt came out of her pants and well we laughed and she called us a bitch long story short he went so far as to telling the cop i tried to ##### her and indesent exposer just to get ME kicked out of the Mall permanently so that i had no way to see his son!


I'm a prep! And he calls me a slut!


He even hires guys to come up to me and throw themselves on me just to try to get his son to break up with me!!


we have been together sence we were in the 8th grade secretly dating but sence he switched to home school and started working 13 hour days for his dad it got out we were dating! I love him to death!! how do I handle his Dad??


why is he doing this to us??


Please Help All advice is welcome!!

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Forget abt the dad.....it's him you want


As long as the both of you are in love, nothing (except money) will ever get in your way.....not even his dad...


Treasure your love......cos love is not easy to find and keep.......

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How do you handle his dad? You might try reporting him to the National Labor Relations Board. I am not an attorney but I do believe working a 17-year-old 13 hours a day, seven days a week, is a violation of child labor laws. Until he is 18, there are pretty strict laws governing this. They will conduct an investigation and your problem will be fixed. And so will his daddy.


Meantime, read Deperado's post. He's right. There will always be people interfering with love for one reason or other...usually jealousy but in this case, daddy wants son to tend more to business than to you. Focus on your love and not on the hurdles.


Good luck...and be careful at the mall!!!

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