Luis Posted August 27, 2003 Share Posted August 27, 2003 I have been friends with this girl for over a year. We went through a break up around the same time. As a result, we kind of leaned on each other for comfort. It was never anything sexual though. But in the past 3 weeks, we have made moves. Meaning, we have kissed. It has felt so good! She tells me that she wants to be with me and that she loves me. I really like her a lot and want to be with her as well. It has been almost a year since we both broke up with our ex's. What's the problem you might ask? Well, she recently moved to Virginia (I'm in Florida). How would I keep a long distance relationship. I have never done this in my life. Any suggestions?? We always knew we had a thing for each other but we never acted up on it because of our break-ups. Is this right? Link to post Share on other sites
NEONINK Posted September 16, 2003 Share Posted September 16, 2003 Meet in the middle as often as you can. Plan on spending holidays together. Learn to type for im's and frequent emails. Send cards often. Get a nationwide cell phone plan. Plan on driving/flying a few times a year. If all this works out, in a year or so, somebody might want to relocate to a new state. Link to post Share on other sites
Nessa401 Posted September 19, 2003 Share Posted September 19, 2003 I'd say it all depends on your age and status in life. If you're still in high school, it probably won't work. If you're in college and after it definitely can work out. But both people have to want it to work. Talk every day: phone, IM, emails. See each other AT LEAST once a month. Going more than a month without seeing each other is very hard, and can be devestating to a relationship that hasn't had the experience of existing and thriving over a long distance. You can look into several possible modes of travel -- amtrak is a good one (although i don't know if it runs from Fl to Va). Good luck. Link to post Share on other sites
belend52 Posted September 23, 2003 Share Posted September 23, 2003 hiya I ve been in a ld relationship, and yes its hard, but i would sugest that you do not talk every night or whenever you can because this can become smothering and anoying and you will end up not having anything to talk about. You dont realy need to do much, plan visits etc.... but as i said before dont talk wenever posible because this can tear you apart and also dont talk about how much u miss each other talk about what your going to do when you next see each other. And realise that you both have seperate lives and that you will oth be doing diferent things, o and alos try not to get jelous that there with someone else. And seeing each other once amonth can also be smothering, i know im not realy making any sence but me and my x talked as much as posible and saw each other as much as posible. Absence make the heart grow fonder. Link to post Share on other sites
vixen Posted September 28, 2003 Share Posted September 28, 2003 Well im not in a long distance relationship persay, but i only see my beau about once a week, or less, and we do call each other once a night, even though sometimes we miss a night, when that happens we always email. saying why so there's no worring. My guy is just to busy to see me more then that. Anywho, when i started in on this relationship it felt aweful to see someone i love once a week, verry emotional, and jon isnt the snuggle in public type so it seemed odd to me for a while, and even deppressing. I'm not saying don't try, im saying put yourself in the right mind frame, and her too. remember that you will be doing things you wish you could share with her but can't. That it's her your with, so charish what you've got. Live in the now and dont dwell on what you can't have, enjoy what you do have. Alot of people have succsess stories about long distance relationships. Give it the ole collage try, if there is love there, then have faith in each other and things will go as they should. Fate works in mysterios ways. Link to post Share on other sites
Jasonb8060 Posted October 13, 2003 Share Posted October 13, 2003 I recently broke up with my girlfriend after just a week of having a long distance realtionship. We never were that close (geographically) so we used to talk everyday and say eachother about twice a week on average. However the reason we have broken up, for now, is that i was calling the same amount as before but with the long distance relationship it didn't work and was smothering. so: DONT CALL EVERYDAY!! & try to be supportive of thier pursuits rather than jealous etc... hope its been helpful, i know i would have liked to have been told before we broke up. Link to post Share on other sites
DJ-TK Posted November 17, 2003 Share Posted November 17, 2003 If it is still releveant, you can go the therad "Keeping us together-Any advice?" (it's on the top...) and see some advices for it.... Link to post Share on other sites
Arabess Posted November 17, 2003 Share Posted November 17, 2003 People in the military have LDR's all the becomes kind of the NORM. With web cams, phones, cards in the's totally doable IF you are both committed to make it work. About "smothering" them...well, that depends on what phase your relationship is in. As you get may want to contact each other more frequently. PS: Buy CHEAP long distance phone cards. The driving distance from VA to North FL is 9 hours. Charleston is a great middle point. Link to post Share on other sites
DJ INSANE Posted May 17, 2004 Share Posted May 17, 2004 Hey whoever says a long distant relationship wont work if your in high school is wrong. I am right now in a long-distance relationship, now even though its not as distant as states, we are 3 hours apart from each other. I live in Houston and she lives in Waco. I suggest u talk to her every freakin night, talk about the kinda day yall had and whenever u got a holiday try in some way to see her. Even if it means you going to the extent of only being with her for a weekend. This shows how much u want to make it work and how much u love her. Now with me I graduate next year, so I plan on moving up to her so it wont be distant any longer. But dude trust me u can make it work, and when u get out of school and start headin to college or whatever, then u have the right to make the decisons u want. That means move to VA. Dude, when u love someone and u know that they could possibly be the one u could see spending the rest of your life with, then it will work, cause you will have the drive to make it work. So follow this, talk every night, make her laugh, webcams wouldn't be bad at all, and whenever you get the opportunity to see her do what you got to do. Link to post Share on other sites
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