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taking it slow?

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my guy and i started dating and 2.5 weeks into it he said he things we should slow things down because he was constantly thinking about me and that it was becoming too distracting for him to be constantly thinking about me and he needed to focus on school and work...he told me not to worry that he doesn't like me anymore if he doesn't call for a few days its not that he has forgotten about me or doesn't like me but that he has stuff going on...which is fine, we haven't seen eachother in 2 weekends though for both of our own prior commitments but I haven't spoken to him since Thursday! and now its Tuesday night and i texted him 2x this weekend and no response...am i overreacting or is this fishy?

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It could go both ways.

I've personally been in situations where I thought things were going to fast.

I kinda needed space and time to figure out if the situation was really what I wanted.

When you take things too fast, it can sometimes be a little intimidating.

It just depends on the person/situation.

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