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Will we be more than friends...

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I've been reading through some of these posts, and I've seen some good advice given out so Im hoping i can get some of this decent advice :)


There's a girl from work that I've been hanging out with for the past couple months. We get on really well both at work and out of work, we have been cinema, out for dinner, drinks etc a few times, it started off for me as mates then i started too like her and now its got to the stage where i cant stop thinking about her. The first bit of confusion was on a co-workers leaving due when we both got drunk and she made a move on me and we ended up kissing for the first time. At this point i wasnt sure if she liked me done it because she was drunk oor what soo i asked her the next day and well she said it was because of the drink and that she feels really bad and is really sorry, and understands if i want a bit of time away from her etc.


A week later everything seemed good again we was really good mates again, then i noticed something she was flirting with me at work, touching me when she was walking behind me, taking lunch with me, asking for hugs lil things like that. I didnt try read too much into it as i know that we was just mates, well few weeks went by and we went out for drinks again with loads people from work, i got really drunk and she ended up looking after me lol. I walked her home (i could still walk at this point) :) and well she grabbed my hand and next thing i know we was kissing again pretty much the whole way till she got home. At this point she told me she really liked me etc and i said im sure this is just the drink talking etc


I decided the next day too ask her what last night was all about and she text me that "she was really sorry she kissed me, but she wanted to as because she had been drinking she just did it :| then she said i really do like you but i dont want to go out with you, il just treat you like crap its what i do. your amazing but i like some one else aswell so im a dick basically. When you liked me i didnt like you, and know that i really like you im not gonna do anything about it, im such a dick xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


and yeah thats pretty much how it went, since then she told me that she been missing me and we have arranged to meet up this sunday to go see a film soo yeah any advice please what does she want, what should i do, i dont want to give up i really want too try make this work

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I'm not quite sure what you want us to say.

She's already told you that when she's drunk she acts like an idiot.

The next move is yours.

If you have a tongue in your head, ask here whether she really believes it wouldn't work.

Why does she treat people badly? (It's a defence thing you know. Treat others badly, then you can't get hurt yourself. But you do tend to stay lonely....)


Oh, by the way....

ask her when she's sober.



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no help???


I'll tell you the same thing I told the last guy who was infatuated with a woman from work... Don't stick your d1nk in the company ink.

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I'm not quite sure what you want us to say.

She's already told you that when she's drunk she acts like an idiot.

The next move is yours.

If you have a tongue in your head, ask here whether she really believes it wouldn't work.

Why does she treat people badly? (It's a defence thing you know. Treat others badly, then you can't get hurt yourself. But you do tend to stay lonely....)


Oh, by the way....

ask her when she's sober.




ok i think i got it thank you!

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