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I don't know how to proceed.

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My ex and I broke up about 3 and a half weeks ago. It was a short relationship...about 2 and half months and he broke up with me. His reasons were that he thought I was great, and attractive, and he had fun with me, but he saw me as a friend and he wasn't sure why. He said he felt like there was a wall up between us, that we weren't able to communicate like we should and that he felt like he didn't know me as well as he'd like too at that stage in the relationship. He said he wanted to remain friends and talk and that maybe something would happen between us when we knew each other better.


I avoided him in the beginning. I did some embarassing things(nothing too bad; I didn't beg or cry, but I expressed that I missed him and that I had felt like it would have worked out with time). For the past two weeks though, I've been trying to be his friend. We talk online a lot(through an online game we both play), mostly him messaging me. He's always nice to me, cheerful and upbeat. He calls by his nickname he had for me. Though, he never talks about anything serious, mostly just what he's doing in the game or what I'm doing in the game. I guess I was hoping eventually, he'd want to talk about "us" or change his mind, but it seems that he's genuinely content with discussing the video game with me. To tell you the truth, he's like an addict in this game. He spends like 6 hours after work every day playing it and all weekend. I honestly believe the game played a part in him drifting away from me...it started mainly after he got really into the game.


Any way, so I don't know how to proceed here. I do feel better about the whole situation and I am healing, but obviously not as quickly as I would have if we weren't talking. I can admit that I've stayed in contact with him hoping he'd change his mind. Should I just give up and disappear for awhile? :(

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As a former game addict, I can tell you that there are only two things that could be happening with your guy. Either a) He's far more interested in the game than you and he's letting you off easy by just saying that he wants to be friends for the time being, or b) He genuinely likes you but is torn between you and the game, and like any addiction he is drawn to the game much more. It's your call as to how much effort you want to invest in him. If you truly like him, then you'll see what you can do to help the guy. Otherwise, you're better off being with someone who will reciprocate and spend time with you.

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Should I just give up and disappear for awhile?


Yes, but I'd replace the words "for awhile" with "for good". There's no point in wasting your time and energy on someone who is not interested in you.


And since I haven't given one away today, here's a bunny for your troubles: :bunny:

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