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This seems like she could be having an anxiety attack!


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My ex-girlfriend and I have been speaking and trying to work things out. Well I shot her over an email and said I would like to speak about some things. She wanted me to email her anytme I had a question about the relationship. So I sent her an email asking about some questions about the night before. We had a great time but she was tired and we cuddled. No big deal. I just asked if she was ok. I know she has been stressed out about work, moving into a new place, and bills. She started going off about how she doesn't want to talk about things at work. I said that was fair and I am sorry. Then she started getting really loud with her voice and broke into tears. I know I should give her space. But, this seems like she could be having an anxiety attack! How can I approach her to tell her to get help?

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You did not describe the symptoms of an anxiety attack. It just sounds like she's putting herself through a lot of stress. All you can do is be there to be supportive, but give her space and stay out of her space. Otherwise, just listen and give her advice ONLY when she asks for it. If she does start having anxiety reactions, have her see a doctor.

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