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Should Murderers Have The Option of Requesting the Death Penalty?

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I was reading a story today about a man convicted of murdering two children, injuring of a third child, and raping and injuring the mother of the children over her interference with his relationship with a friend of her's. The young man plead guilty and requested the death penalty. Of course this is not the first time this has happened, but the defense attornies are obviously upset because such requests throws a kink in the justice system (more like it takes money and prestige out of their pockets). So, the biggest question is this...


Should those who are eligiable for the death penalty be allowed to plead guilty to their crime and request to just get the death sentence over and done with?


I personally think it is such criminals make a perfect case when they say it is essencially their lives and they should have the right on when it should be ended. I think they should have the right to request the death penalty. It should not matter if it is because they have found their honor and accept responsibility for their actions, are too afraid to sit and wait, or if they have no remorse at all, the end results are going to be the same. I can't see how people, especially victims of the criminal could find any peace just knowing this person could sit in jail for years before that person dies or get a sentence overturned due to a technicality.


So, what do you think?




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Seriously.. yes I think they should have the option.. I am FOR the capital punishment.. so if they request it .. it makes everyone's life easier.. ;)

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No, not if it means someone else has to do the deed.

If they wish to commit suicide that's one thing, but to actually put the burden of killing them onto someone else is unfair.


Even suicide is bad enough.....

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No, not if it means someone else has to do the deed.

If they wish to commit suicide that's one thing, but to actually put the burden of killing them onto someone else is unfair.


Even suicide is bad enough.....



I volunteer.. it wouldn't be a burden to me.. especially if he's a child molester... :mad:

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If people don't want to live, why should they be made to live? Whether by suicide or assisted, it's their choice.


Having said that, anyone, criminals or the balance of the populace, should be put through psychological examination, to ensure they're of sound mind to make the decision and if this is honestly a decision. There are people who botch suicides subconsciously, as a cry for help.

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I volunteer.. it wouldn't be a burden to me.. especially if he's a child molester... :mad:


OK, you say that now.... but really, think about how it would feel to actually wilfully take someone's life away.... And what if he's not a child molester?


Would you consider being an executioner even if you had someone infront of you who had a legitimate death penalty - but was either possibly innocent, or didn't WANT to die..?

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I could be an executioner... I am kind of anti-social and I do enjoy watching shows like CSI, Criminal Minds, and true crime shows that talks about how people killed other people. The depths and depravity that men and women sink to in their sins do sometimes gives me as much a sick pleasure as it does feed my desire to not be like these people.




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The fact that you feel that way makes you exactly 'like these people'. If you can put someone to death well, sorry. That makes you JUST like them.

But of course, that would be legal... legitimate. Controlled. Acceptable.


In a pig's ear.....

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OK, you say that now.... but really, think about how it would feel to actually wilfully take someone's life away.... And what if he's not a child molester?


Would you consider being an executioner even if you had someone infront of you who had a legitimate death penalty - but was either possibly innocent, or didn't WANT to die..?


I don't find it any different than doctors who prescribe an overdose of morphine to end the patient's life..


The thread was about murderers who actually ask to be put on death row.

I'm all for it..


Executioner, IMO are not any worst than soldiers who go to war and kill people who have never murdered anyone.. they're soldiers too...


I think that if we compare innocent people that were killed by assassins versus the amount of 'innocent' who were wrongly accused.. I think it's not even comparable.. Would I be willing to take this chance.. yes I would...

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Thank you Lizzie, all it is performing a public service that most people cannot or would not want to do. Besides, if the Bible saids its okay, I am all for it. And trust me, putting away such evil from among society was a way to help protect it from having more people like that running around. Lets really think about it, think about the copycats and fan clubs some of these people inspire? And they only grow with age the longer they stick around. Putting certain criminals to death is a service to the community just like picking up trash, fighting fires, or protecting the public from those who could careless about your life and right to live in peace, without fear, and with any possessions you may have.




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Well of course, the UK doesn't have the death penalty, and rightly so.

The USA does, in some states, but not others.


In my opinion those states that do are barbaric. Be all and end all.



Where in the Bible does it say we have a right to murder people?

And all this talk about Doctors assisting suicide for the terminally ill, and soldiers on active duty, is a strawman argument. Smoke and mirrors.

You're introducing other factors which divert from the main issue.....


The plain fact is the Bible commands us thou shalt not Kill.

Executions are therefore wrong, murder is wrong and war is wrong.

Even euthanasia is wrong, but at least there, there's an element of humanity and compassion for the dying person who is in pain and torment and in need of relief.... funny how it's OK to put an animal 'out of its misery', but doing so to a human being is unacceptable....

How many states in the USA that sanction executions, also sanction euthanasia....?


It's screwy.

It's screwy and it's uttter cr*p.

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Well of course, the UK doesn't have the death penalty, and rightly so.

The USA does, in some states, but not others.


In my opinion those states that do are barbaric. Be all and end all.



Where in the Bible does it say we have a right to murder people?

And all this talk about Doctors assisting suicide for the terminally ill, and soldiers on active duty, is a strawman argument. Smoke and mirrors.

You're introducing other factors which divert from the main issue.....


The plain fact is the Bible commands us thou shalt not Kill.

Executions are therefore wrong, murder is wrong and war is wrong.

Even euthanasia is wrong, but at least there, there's an element of humanity and compassion for the dying person who is in pain and torment and in need of relief.... funny how it's OK to put an animal 'out of its misery', but doing so to a human being is unacceptable....

How many states in the USA that sanction executions, also sanction euthanasia....?


It's screwy.

It's screwy and it's uttter cr*p.


Really read the Bible, God had the children of Israel go through and kill every living creature in some places. God sometimes allowed the soldiers to spare the virgin girls and women so they could be inducted into the society as servents. God allowed the Israelites certain laws to govern how to handle crime and punishment of those crimes; adultereres and adulteresses were stoned, those who commited wanton acts of murder were to forfeit their own lives (and ending the life of a murderer is NOT killing, it is the price one pays for willingly and unlawfully taking the life of someone else), they even killed those who engaged in bestiality and the animal the person was having sex with.


I at one time thought as you Geisha, but then I sought understanding and enlightenment and now I understand why certain things had/have to be the way they were/are.




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OK, you say that now.... but really, think about how it would feel to actually wilfully take someone's life away.... And what if he's not a child molester?


Would you consider being an executioner even if you had someone infront of you who had a legitimate death penalty - but was either possibly innocent, or didn't WANT to die..?


That's not what's being discussed though, is it? It's about killing someone who kills children. Sorry, I know you believe in the sanctity of life but realistically, what exactly is the benefit to keep those kinds of monsters around?

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Life in prison without the chance for parole is a far more harsh penalty than the death penalty. If someone is given death, they go peacefully by lethal injection in most cases, otherwise the method if very quick and mostly painless. There is no real penalty involved because many people live very short lives anyway. You have to go sometime.


Making someone endure the rigors of prison, the awful food, harsh treatment by guards, forced sex from the largest of the inmates, daily conjecture about what they did to get prison in the first place and generally the lack of freedom...those are real punishments. Death is very quick and then no punishment at all. For many it's relief from the rigors of life. Life in prison is the true punishment.


Think about it.

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Life in prison without the chance for parole is a far more harsh penalty than the death penalty. If someone is given death, they go peacefully by lethal injection in most cases, otherwise the method if very quick and mostly painless. There is no real penalty involved because many people live very short lives anyway. You have to go sometime.


Making someone endure the rigors of prison, the awful food, harsh treatment by guards, forced sex from the largest of the inmates, daily conjecture about what they did to get prison in the first place and generally the lack of freedom...those are real punishments. Death is very quick and then no punishment at all. For many it's relief from the rigors of life. Life in prison is the true punishment.


Think about it.


Not so sure about that.. but it would be way easier on the economy.. it costs a lost of money to keep someone in jail all their life..

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I was reading a story today about a man convicted of murdering two children, injuring of a third child, and raping and injuring the mother of the children over her interference with his relationship with a friend of her's. The young man plead guilty and requested the death penalty. Of course this is not the first time this has happened, but the defense attornies are obviously upset because such requests throws a kink in the justice system (more like it takes money and prestige out of their pockets). So, the biggest question is this...


Should those who are eligiable for the death penalty be allowed to plead guilty to their crime and request to just get the death sentence over and done with?


I personally think it is such criminals make a perfect case when they say it is essencially their lives and they should have the right on when it should be ended. I think they should have the right to request the death penalty. It should not matter if it is because they have found their honor and accept responsibility for their actions, are too afraid to sit and wait, or if they have no remorse at all, the end results are going to be the same. I can't see how people, especially victims of the criminal could find any peace just knowing this person could sit in jail for years before that person dies or get a sentence overturned due to a technicality.


So, what do you think?





It shouldn't be up to these criminals how they die. They relinquish most of the liberties enjoyed by citizens as soon as they commit murder.


It makes no sense to allow someone who took a life decide how their own life should be terminated.

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Really read the Bible, God had the children of Israel go through and kill every living creature in some places. God sometimes allowed the soldiers to spare the virgin girls and women so they could be inducted into the society as servents. God allowed the Israelites certain laws to govern how to handle crime and punishment of those crimes; adultereres and adulteresses were stoned, those who commited wanton acts of murder were to forfeit their own lives (and ending the life of a murderer is NOT killing, it is the price one pays for willingly and unlawfully taking the life of someone else), they even killed those who engaged in bestiality and the animal the person was having sex with.


I at one time thought as you Geisha, but then I sought understanding and enlightenment and now I understand why certain things had/have to be the way they were/are.





There's a word for taking the word of God and misinterpreting it for your own ends, but we're not here to discuss your warped and twisted view of "What God wants" and besides, I highly respect the Religions of others.


But that's pretty much total *~*~*~*~ - !!

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There's a word for taking the word of God and misinterpreting it for your own ends, but we're not here to discuss your warped and twisted view of "What God wants" and besides, I highly respect the Religions of others.


But that's pretty much total *~*~*~*~ - !!


Um, Geisha? That's pretty par for the course in the Old Testament. Everything he said is in the Bible and it would be hard to take those particular verses out of context. The Yahweh character in the Bible is not a very nice deity, at all. There's even a part where Yahweh has forty two children mauled to death by bears for laughing at one of his prophets. It's Jesus who is the nice guy although they are supposed to be one which seems a bit schizophrenic but hey, what can one expect from mythology?

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That's my point. Taking Biblical quotations and texts out of context and moulding them to justify what is done now, is simply outrageously misguided and throroughly deceptive.

This is exactly what's being done here.


Integrating Old Testament Law into today's day and age is like using a steam engine manual to repair a modern day car....it won't work....

This is a quotation from someone else's post on this very subject.

The Poster is a committed and devout Christian, but seems to have a far greater grasp on the essence of the Message, than Dark-N-Romantic has.....

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That's my point. Taking Biblical quotations and texts out of context and moulding them to justify what is done now, is simply outrageously misguided and throroughly deceptive.

This is exactly what's being done here.




This is a quotation from someone else's post on this very subject.

The Poster is a committed and devout Christian, but seems to have a far greater grasp on the essence of the Message, than Dark-N-Romantic has.....


But he's not taking them out of context. Yes, it's the Old Testament but you do realize that not every Christian sect agrees that that Jesus fulfilled the laws in the OT. So, some Christians still believe those laws apply today. There are people out there called Reconstructionists (a type of Dominionist) that want to turn the US into a Theocracy that follows all of those ridiculous OT laws. It's absurd and of course would plummet us back into the dark ages but it is what they believe their God wants.

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"No amount of common sense or reasoning is of any use against an item of stupidity that is currently in fashion".


Good grief what are things coming to....?


Next, you'll be telling me that Americans thing Darwinism is wrong and that Genesis is right..... :rolleyes::p:laugh:

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"No amount of common sense or reasoning is of any use against an item of stupidity that is currently in fashion".


Good grief what are things coming to....?


Next, you'll be telling me that Americans thing Darwinism is wrong and that Genesis is right..... :rolleyes::p:laugh:


Nope, I'd be telling you there is no such thing as Darwinism. ;) (Creationists coined that phrase to try and make it appear as if people who believe in Evolution only do so because they are followers of Darwin, which is just plain silly.)

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Yes, it's the Old Testament but you do realize that not every Christian sect agrees that that Jesus fulfilled the laws in the OT. So, some Christians still believe those laws apply today.
Not only did Christ fulfill the OT laws, He's provided all of us with a NEW covenant.


One error you made is that Christians who still believe the OT laws apply today, aren't Christians at all.....(my .02 cents)


Should we allow confessing murderers to request the death penalty? No.


Here's why, (in my opinion)....


To take another person's life requires an in-balance in itself....let alone the willingness to not preserve one's own existance.


One would have to question whether or not the person is even guilty, or is just out of his/her mind.


Unless one, (or more) is an eye witness, we don't know for sure whether or not the offender is actually guilty....


I wouldn't want that on my conscience when I face my Maker....

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Not only did Christ fulfill the OT laws, He's provided all of us with a NEW covenant.


One error you made is that Christians who still believe the OT laws apply today, aren't Christians at all.....(my .02 cents)...


Well, that is what people tend to think about those Christians whose denominations or ideology are vastly different then their own. (Hence, the whole 'No true Scottsman' phrase that tends to get flung around.) There are so many different flavors of Christianity that I would be surprised if there weren't Christians out there who would consider your beliefs to be all wrong too.

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