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Who says you have to start dating now?


I would recommend against starting right back up, actually. It is very important to step back after an ended relationship to reflect on what you have learned. This allows you to grow and mature and hopefully apply something new to your future relationships.


You need a little me-time right now, that's all.

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I'm now single and need someone

to start dating,how should I get

back into the swing of things.



Jen- my dear Jen, I totally understand what you're going through. All you need to do, is start getting out more, maybe asking a guy to go out to dinner, or going to a singles club and getting to know a guy. The ONLY way to get back into swing is to believe in yourself, and start dating again...after one date...you'll be up and ready to GO! Hope I was a help to ya!






Lilly Sanders

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i understand what you are going thorough jen, my man and i broke up on August 20th and by the way that i act you would think that it just happened yesterday. it is hard to get back into the game when you feel as if your heart is still taken. the best advice to give you is to take it slow, but don't sit around thinking that someone will just come to you. as good as it sounds; it's not all that practical. i sympathsize with you and understand. we have to be strong, because noone can get us through all of this but ourselves. good luck:)

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