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hubby not working, wife is

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my husband was layed off due to our horrible economy...and he's been doing side jobs here and there to help us get by but it's nothing fulltime or heck, sometimes nothing in a whole week...no one is wanting to spend money right now. so he gets no pay check. i've bene fine with it as long as our bills are paid and we aren't broke.


now it's starting to get to me. he snaps atm e because he is so down about his situation and sorta takes it out on me. i understand he's down. but now it's getting to the point he is starting to go out with our friends and leaving me at home because i have to go to bed and can't really go out and have drinks or chill with them (they are all restaurant workers so don't ahve to be at work until like 2pm if not later) and i finally said something to him about it. he takes it as i'm stabbing him for not having a job. i just want my husband home with me. to be a family and know that i'm sleeping and he's there. i'm so upset. i can't work today. i can't do anything. he doesn't understand and thinks i just dont' want him to have fun. it's not that. how can i get him to see i want him tehre, he doesn't need to be going out and leaving me behind. he's turning 30 in 2 months it's not like w'ere exactly 21 again. i do not believe he is cheating or anything like that. i trust him and the people he is going out with. should i make this an issue or let it go?? i'm so sad.

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