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A love so Beautiful: Not a blood relative but a friend of my mother's who took me in

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Date: 08-29-03 17:38







My name is Kyle.


My folks died when I was 12. Since then I have been living with a woman named

Danica. She was 24.

We've lived together for 6 years. She was my mother's dearest friend. She is a

great woman. I have been her ward.


Standing 5'8, lean, with black hair and blue eyes.


We have lived together. She is nice, you know. Totally awesome and so

beautiful. Could have been a model, but she is kind of sick. a bone thing.

Looking at her, you wouldn't know it.


I am in love with this woman.


I just graduated high school. I am going to college in the state in about a

week. I am very much in love with her. It is hard because we have known each

other so long. She's seen me date and fall and rise.

I've seen her date a whole bunch of lousy people.

Anyway, she came home tired and sad the other time. She got messed up at work.

Had a few drinks.We just sat on the couch, watching tv. She was crying and i was

holding her.


We kissed.


We did nothing more.


I dont know if she remembers. I am in love with her. Very much so. I want us to

be together like a man and a woman. She wants me to live on campus but i want to

remain. Also, in the past I seem to recall a time when we were very friendly. I was just a teenager having trouble with girls and she was there for me. I recall us kissing ... a lot. And there was touching. I liked it but did not think of it much.

She did not abuse me.


The other day, I kissed her and wanted to make love to her. She gave in on the kiss then said no, we cant. Then later that same night, here i am watching TV and she comes over to watch Tuesday Declassified with me on sci fi. I fall asleep and she comes to put a blanket over me. I touch her hand, waking up as she does and

she looks very frightened. She says no we cant and i am so ticked off i go out to drive with my boys.

The night gets wild and we get in a little accident which involves me getting a few broken bones and passing out. I am in the hospital and she is there. I am half awake and there she is, holding my head and saying she loves me over and over.


The nurse says : Your boyfriend's gonna be just fine, miss." Danica gets angry and i dont know what she would have done to the nurse. She doesnt look her age.

At 30 she could pass for 25 or even less.


It is obvious she loves me. In a more than platonic way. Why is she fighting it ?


I love her and want to be with her. I 'm not like those guys she dates.


She's always said she loved me and I wonder if she could love me the way i love

her ?


Is there hope ? One of my friends says i should get a shrink. A female friend says loves comes along rarely. She also said Danica is no blood relative but a friend of my mother's who took care of me. So it would all be legal and stuff. The age difference doesnt matter to me.


The only problem is she is fighting.

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If you love her, you will respect her. If you care for her, you will not pursue anything with her. If you adore her the way you think you do,

you will back off. If you love her you will tell her how you feel and not try to act it out in some disrespectful or hurtful manner that could end up setting you so far back with her that you will never be able to feel the closeness you had with her in the past.


Forgive me for sounding preachy. I can't presume to know what is in your heart nor hers, let alone either of your heads. But my advice is go and live on campus. She has been a presence in your life that has obviously been nurturing, but she has her reasons for not wanting to let things go on to an intimate level, and you have to respect that.

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WOLVERINE117 WRITES: "It is obvious she loves me. In a more than platonic way. Why is she fighting it ?"


She's not fighting anything. She is not interested in you romantically. You are more of a son to her. Get cranking and go find a nice lady your age. It is very possible you may need counselling to deal with your inappropriate feelings for the lady who has raised you since the death of your parents. Your parent's death had a profound affect on you and that, I feel, is the basis for this connection with your caregiver. You probably have abandonment issues so serious only a professional counsellor can help you deal with. You are young now. Get the help you require so you can get about your life in a rational way.


Good luck!

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Well, I guess.


You guys are right. It doesnt feel that way, though.


I just knew I could make her happy...you know ? If given the chance.



I dont have a choice about going to campus. I talked to her and she said I have to leave. I asked why and she said she loved me....the way you said she did.


I dont feel happy. My buddy Karl says it's the best thing to do.


Why don't I feel like it ?


I hate to sound all mopey and girly but i do get a pleasant thrill in my chest when i think of her. I doubt it wll ever really go away. I hope some guy can appreciate her like i want to.


She is great, y'know.


A pretty lady, 30 years old living in Ma.



Signed :


The young man who loves her more than he should.

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