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Nicky, got another one for ya

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1st thanx for responding to my other post, about the break up or break. I have a new problem though. She contacted me. I thought she needed space so it caught me off guard. She did not mention our situation we just talked about casual things and school, but what freaked me a bit is that she got a hold of me. Also she hinted to the fact that she would not mind talking again soon. Well this is what she said(...talk to ya later, I will probably be online tommorow sometime) this being on AOL. what is she doing, this girls has me more confused every time I think I know whats up. Is she leaving the door open so to speak, should I try to contact her next, or stick to my guns and let her get in touch with me again. I appreciate your thoughts

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Nicki, 1st thanx for responding to my other post, about the break up or break. I have a new problem though. She contacted me. I thought she needed space so it caught me off guard. She did not mention our situation we just talked about casual things and school, but what freaked me a bit is that she got a hold of me. Also she hinted to the fact that she would not mind talking again soon. Well this is what she said(...talk to ya later, I will probably be online tommorow sometime) this being on AOL. what is she doing, this girls has me more confused every time I think I know whats up. Is she leaving the door open so to speak, should I try to contact her next, or stick to my guns and let her get in touch with me again. I appreciate your thoughts

Sounds like she's just trying to keep things easy going. I have no idea whether it's so you can call her, or vice versa! I think since she's the one who started this off, and mentioned about wanting space, leave the ball in her court.


Another thing to consider is what you want. Will she regularly call you for casual chats? Do you want that? It's like my cat toying with a mouse in the garden. It plays with it for hours and hours regularly returning . It likes it, but it's just a stop gap until she finds something else. Your GF can't say she wants space, to think about the relationship, and then keep calling you. It's messing you around.Don't you think it would be nice to know where you stand? Either she stick with you, or let you go.


Good luck!

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