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2 years Anniversary - How to say I love you

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In just a couple of weeks my girlfriend and I shall be approaching our "2 years" together and I have been thinking hard on something I can do/get for her to show her how much I love her. Either one of us have been in a very "long term" relationship before and I myself have never found myself caring for someone as much as her. We have an awesome friendship/trust in one another that goes far beyond the any relationship I have ever had with anyone else before. We are currently still in University, we attend the same school, early 20s, same group of friends etc....


We have talked about marriage and such before and we both agreed that waiting till we are out of school is the probably the reasonable thing to do because it just isn't going to benefit us to marry each other right now. We also do not live together but spend 99% of our time at each other's places. Though that 1% is nice to have when you need some alone time for yourself.


Our relationship has and still is very firey, we do not fight, we play games together all the time (I'm talking sex, video games, reading story books, board games, etc....) All of my close friends say they wish they were me. I'm not sure why god was so kind to me and pinpointing our paths together but I thank him for it.


For our first year I purchased a ring for her, it had her birth stone in it and wasn't really a "promise" ring. I don't really think promise rings make a hell of alot of sense, since her birthday is around the same time I figured the birth stone idea was a nice touch and she seemed to love it and she always wears it (I don't recall ever seeing her not wearing it since I gave it to her).


The ring was great for one year but now two years is here and I'm not sure how I should go about showing my appreciation for her ever lasting affection which she shows me each and every time we are together.


I love her.

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I think that there is nothing so nice as a thoughtful gift of jewelry. It doesn't have to bear any more significance than that you bought it specifically with her in mind. Last year's birthstone ring was perfect, I'm sure. Giving her gifts that she can wear everyday, or on special occasions, for years to come is a wonderful token of your love. Everytime she looks at it she'll think of you. I have jewelry from ex boyfriends, some of whom I'm no longer on speaking terms with. But when I spot something that came from one of them, I remember the kindness and love that led to the gift.


Doesn't have to be expensive, in fact I personally think that gaudy, flashy jewelry is simply ugly. But look around at some small jewelry stores, or better yet antique jewelry stores (I have a particular fondness for old jewelry) -- you can find some truy lovely things. Maybe a pair of earrings, or a necklace or bracelet. See what you find. See what makes you think, "that would be perfect for her." I think women love knowing that their partners put some real thought into a gift.

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Need Some Heart

Hope this message isn't too late. I am a girl who's in her early 20s as well, and have been dating my bf for a year and a half. So, I think I can relate a bit.


If you're not into jewelry for this anniversary, I think something personalized and/or artistic is great. If you or she loves photography, you could make a portfolio for her of pictures that tell the story of your relationship. Or you could write a story about the two of you...an ex did that for me, and I thought it was so romantic and loving. It was fiction, but the 2 characters were definitely us.


Just do/give something that is meaningful to her. I'm sure you know her hobbies and interests, so perhaps you can work from there.


I am very happy for you that you are in such a good relationship. Good luck:) And please post to let us know what you did and how it went.

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