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OMG We're finally together!

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[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Well I've been in a semi-LDR for the last 7 months and it came to a bitter sweet ending for us. He moved in with me hopefully for good on Friday evening. He got laid off from his job which was our major obstacle for being together. We were 2 hours apart and saw each other on the weekends until he could find a job up here. He was going to Physical Therapy for workers comp because of his job so he's still commuting 2 hours 3 days a week for the next 3 weeks and he's hoping to draw unemployment until he can find another job. It's going to be hectic and stressful until he gets a job, but I'm so happy to have him here!![/FONT][/COLOR]

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Congratulations on being together! Your love will give you strength through this difficult time -- but alls good cause you're together now! I hope he gets well soon!



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