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Does he really like me?! I am just so used to my controlling ex


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Let's see....I met this guy and when we went out on a date, it seemed like all he was interested in was sex. So it has been nine months since I slept with anyone, so I did it! Now, the date went wonderful...he still took me out to eat after we had sex....So because of that, I told him that all I wanted was someone to date and sleep with on occasion due to the fact that I am recently divorced and he agreed with that....so when I got home, I wrote him off because I slept with him right away....but then he would call every Wednesday to go out with me but wouldn't call during the week....then, once he was half of the way to my house (he lives twenty minutes away) and I had to tell him that I couldn't go out with him because my son was sick....and he understood! He called me again and we went out on another date....when we went out, he would always stare at me and tell me what kind of girls he likes....I am divorced with two kids and he said that that was fine.....he even told me to bring them with me because he owns his home.....I thought he was just kidding until I went over there one day and he showed me that he had some toys.....he had told me that he had absolutely no plans on leaving this area any time soon, thats why he bought a house here.....he is also divorced but with no kids....I model, so he has a few of my pictures at his house.....he is into dj-ing so he showed me a little bit of what he likes to do......but the real problem is that he doesn't call me very often.....i had sent him a love poem online about how I would like to be his queen.....and on his homepage that day he changed his relationship status from single to nothing.....now he left it blank....what does that mean....but we never talked about the poem....so it has been about two weeks since we last went out and he has not called and I have talked to him once....I tried to call him yesterday and his number is not in service anymore....help, I hate feeling stupid! Maybe he does like me, I am just so used to my controlling ex who use to call me ten times a day....maybe I am just not used to someone normal! Help!

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Is it wrong to send a new guy a love poem? I did that and was just wondering.....after he read the poem he changed his homepage from "single" and now it doesn't say whether he is single or not.....

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Well, do you know this guy? How did you meet him? Have you talked to him before? Does he know you? What homepage?


I think it depends on the circumstances. But some guys might get freeked out by it, especially if they don't know you that well.

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Well, a month isn't that long. A "love" poem might be a little much at this stage since you two are just dating and aren't in love yet. He might have thought that was too much.


Guys don't understand poems and gooshy stuff like that anyway. If you wanna do something sweet for him, cook him dinner sometime, or find out what his hobbies are and you two can go do something fun together - your treat. There are a lot of ways to show a guy you care that will mean a lot more to him than a poem.

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It's not wrong but it's a serious strategical mistake. It shows him you are falling for him too fast. You need to take things more slowly. Love poems should come way down the road when the two of you know each other much better. At this time, he may even become a little frightened by such assumptiveness. Right now, you need to be keeping him guessing about how you feel. That's the edge that will keep him interested.

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If you're only interested in someone to date and sleep with on occasion and not get serious with, those are all over the place. Why be so concerned with this guy. You clearly told him that's all you were interested in. The fact that he didn't call you when he had his number disconnected clearly indicates he didn't want much more from you either...or he doesn't make enough money to pay his phone bill. Until you are ready for a nice, loving, relationship don't be so upset when guys don't call you. They are a dime a dozen. Only be concerned when one you like a lot doesn't call.

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A rap? He he he..pardon my snicker.


Well, what did the rap say? Was it all lovey dovey? Or did he just talk about hittin it?

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what sucks is how do you date after a divorce? Thats what I am having a hard time with....I want a boyfriend but just not serious until I know what he is about....I don't think he paid his cell phone bill because he can't afford a home phone....he just bought a house, he has a pretty new car, and he bought rims to go on his car and he s in the military....broke, just like me!

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very funny..... :D It was lovey-dovey, like he needs a girl with a cute face that has his back that loves him for him and can cook good chicken ( hes funny!) :cool:

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Rap is playful and generic. It could be written for anybody. A love poem is very specific and far more romantic than rap. You just can't compare the two. I have told you how to play it and you obviously don't care. But you will learn and hopefully you will remember I told you here first. I just hope you learn early in the game. You just don't get all mush in the early stages of a relationship. You'll learn.


If he wants somebody who can cook good chicken, he should go out with Col. Sanders.

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Naw, it was more specific than that.....the poem wasn't that mushy because I am not a mushy person at all.....I hate romance and romantic movies...waste of time....so, I found this poem online about how i know you have been hurt and some other crap but it said i could be your queen and you could be my king,etc....it didn't even mention love....it was just on a love website....then I emailed it to him and told him "I hope that it isn't too girly for you but when I read the poem I thought about you". See, I am not very romantic at all, and maybe he picked up on that.....I am very much a tomboy.....

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i could be your queen, you could be my king?? sounds damn mushy to me!


but, on the bright side, you didn't WRITE the poem, you simply said you thought of him while reading it - so it doesn't sound too bad to me.


good luck,


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