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I get really jealous and I'm SOOO mad because of these incredibly mixed signals

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we're friends and he just outta the blue asked me out on a date i was suprised. n he flirts w/ me and stuff and says really....i-like-you kind of things. n he picks on me n stuff...and he acts like he likes me...n he hangs around me more...but tonight he came up and talked to me and stuff but like 10 min. later he just kind of walked away and wouldn't talk to me and i tried to get his attention but he jsut looked at me and turned away. then like 5 min. later he comes over and talks to me. (this is at practice) then he like runs up to other girls and teases them...then he comes back to me and flirts w/ me. then goes away for like 3 min then waits for me and walks with me again. then walks away. and talking to all these other girls n stuff and i get really jealous and i'm SOOO incredibly mad by now cuz of these incredibly mixed signals. i hate guys. they suck. and i asked him why he wanted to go on dates with me and he said because i'm nice and attractive...ugh..that's all?? sorry this is so stupid i am just seeking advice...

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It sounds like this guy really likes you. His odd behavior could have been because he was nervous around you....or maybe he wanted to make you jealous by talking to the other girls, apparently he was successful if that was his goal. What better reason to want to go out on a date with a girl because she is nice and attractive? Would you have felt better if he told you it was because he wanted to get you in bed?


He may have talked to the other girls but he asked YOU out. Why would this upset you? It seems like he considers you more special over all the other ladies he talks to.

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