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THANKS TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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First of all i just wanted to thank you Tony for the advise you gave me. Im the March 24 "give me some advise Tony" from John. I did exactly as you said. You said if there is any hope for her back that i would have to play it cool. Well i stoped calling her and more or less let her know that i was going on with my life without her with no problem at all. Well, she kept calling me ALOT and i finally returned her call. She spilled her guts to me, she told me that she wanted me back and all kinds of good stuff. She said that she would NOT play anymore games with me and that Im the one she wants to be with and loved without no doubts. So me and her are back together now. BUT, i got another question for ya. While me and her was split up, i went out with another girl. She was more or less just someone to cure the loneliness, i felt nothing for this new girl. We went out a couple of times and one night i got drunk and slept with her. Now she keeps calling me and paging me. I want to get rid of her without being rude but i don't know how. I know that if the girl that i loved found out, she would be HIGHLY PISSED. I do not want her to find out. So my question is how do i get RID of this new girl. Thanks



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I am glad things have worked out well for you.


It sounds now as if you have a fatal attraction situation on your hands. The only thing you can do is tell this other girl straight away that you are now in a committed relationship with someone you have dated for a period of time and you can no longer see her. Let her know firmly that if she keeps calling you, you will make a harassment report to local police. (Also, let her know I said that what she is doing to you is not appealing or sexy at all and it's no wonder she has no steady guy. No, don't actually tell her that but think it.)


It is not being rude to tell someone assertively that you do not wish them to call, you do not desire a relationship with them and you do not desire a friendship with them. It IS rude on her part not to respect what you ask of her.


Forget about this episode and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you disuss any aspect of your deed with your girlfriend!!!


As an aside, I hope you are now learning that both actions and inactions have consequences...good and bad.

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You guys are the real heroes aren't you?


What a man, you managed to get the girl you want, get a screw along the way, you must be quite pleased with yourself.


Unfortunately for you, you have this small annoyance of having to "get rid of" this new girl. You used her, slept with her, and now, for some bizarre reason she has somehow gotten the idea that you actually liked her, and has developed feelings for you. She is for some bizarre reason upset that you have now unceremoniously dumped her.


You are probably quite young and immature. I hope this new girl wakes up to herself and realises you're not worth the pain. Your new girl may never know that you are capable of sleeping with someone else simply because you are "lonely" (even though you "love" her) until it's too late. But whatever, as long as YOU are happy.

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First of all Bliss, you must have had this happen to you. You know this sort of thing(one night stands) happens to people every day, i know it has happened to me before and it does suck especially when you are attracted to that person. But you have to understand, i thought my ex-girlfriend was through with me. I was trying to see other people to get the girl that i love out of my head. It seemed like a good cure for being heartbroken. I should NOT have slept with her and i do regret it and know it was wrong. I didn't know that my exgirlfriend wanted me back or i would NOT have slept with this girl. But you have to understand that i have to go with my feelings and im in love with her(the ex that came back to me) and i want to marry her someday. I wouldn't give her up for ANYONE, and i would NEVER cheat on her. I do not think that i was being IMMATURE at all. I don't think yourealize my situation at all.

You guys are the real heroes aren't you?


What a man, you managed to get the girl you want, get a screw along the way, you must be quite pleased with yourself. Unfortunately for you, you have this small annoyance of having to "get rid of" this new girl. You used her, slept with her, and now, for some bizarre reason she has somehow gotten the idea that you actually liked her, and has developed feelings for you. She is for some bizarre reason upset that you have now unceremoniously dumped her. You are probably quite young and immature. I hope this new girl wakes up to herself and realises you're not worth the pain. Your new girl may never know that you are capable of sleeping with someone else simply because you are "lonely" (even though you "love" her) until it's too late. But whatever, as long as YOU are happy.

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Sorry i didn't mean to post it twice, and by the way Bobbie is my nickname.

First of all Bliss, you must have had this happen to you. You know this sort of thing(one night stands) happens to people every day, i know it has happened to me before and it does suck especially when you are attracted to that person. But you have to understand, i thought my ex-girlfriend was through with me. I was trying to see other people to get the girl that i love out of my head. It seemed like a good cure for being heartbroken. I should NOT have slept with her and i do regret it and know it was wrong. I didn't know that my exgirlfriend wanted me back or i would NOT have slept with this girl. But you have to understand that i have to go with my feelings and im in love with her(the ex that came back to me) and i want to marry her someday. I wouldn't give her up for ANYONE, and i would NEVER cheat on her. I do not think that i was being IMMATURE at all. I don't think yourealize my situation at all.
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