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Ok, well, I saw my guy last night. I wanted to kiss him so much when I first saw him and it was so cool- he couldn't stop smiling at me. I didn't kiss him though because I'm not sure where I stand with him.


We KIND of talked about all the nasty things we said to each other. And then I found out he had to go because he had plans "later" to hang out with this guy and play Xbox all night. He said I was welcome to join them but I prefer the wii anyway and I wanted to just see/spend time with him not crash some guy bonding ritual.


I feel like I blew it and now we are only friends. He's the kind of guy who can pick up a girl really fast. The thing is, I know he's never been with anyone like me. I feel like Mrs. Robinson. We talked for an hour and he put my son's little red wagon together. But he's... he is NOT dumb or anything but he's not like me either. I got him to start talking to me again but he's boring to me now. How can I bring back the spark? How do I get him thinking about me and wanting me? Maybe I should read the rules.

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