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Should i just forget about these feelings of mine and just stay her friend?

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well lets see. Theres this girl that i have became friend with withing the

last year. Well, i know her through a family relation. I dunno, I actually

like her, and since being shy and all haven't had the courage to ask her out

or anything. We are friends though and sometimes go out for swimming, lunch,

and other things. I like her, but not sure if she feels the same way about

me though. I often give her rides to school, and rides home from school and

we do talk about stuffs and everything. Heck, shes even joked around about

marrying me when we grow older. lol. Oh wells. Her parents do like me

though, since I'm pretty bright and everything. My parents like talking

about how good I am with school and everything. I'm not sure though, I just

think that she might be too good for me or something. And if i do somehow

miracally tell her, being shy and all, and find out she doesn't feel the

same way and somehow making our friendship wierd and everthing. I don't know

what to do anymore. Should i just forget about these feelings of mine and

just stay her friend, or do something about it. This is my first time

posting on any forum about this, so no flaming or anything please. Telling

people on the net just makes it easier for me to get everything out. Thanks

to whoever replies though. And if you need to know anything else about me

and her, dun hesitate to ask.



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I've been in this boat myself in the past. I don't see what's wrong with simply suggesting the idea of becoming more than friends. All you need to do is hint at the possibility, if she reacts positively then go for it! In the end, its up to you. But what would you regret more, saying something and wishing you hadn't or not saying anything and wishing you had. Food for thought.


Good luck whatever you decide. Oh, and no-one's ever too good for you! :p

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hm..thanks for the advice....appreciate the response...oh well...seems like we got a little more closer...me talking to her more in halls..her talking to me more in halls....and also still sharing how feel feel about things...oh wells...i suppose this is fine for now...but...she seems to be someone who can get any guy she wants though..great personality...and a great...view....as well.... ><.....lol oh wells...i'll just leave it at that..i suppose for a lil while...

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