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Does She Like me? Things suddenly changed.

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PLEASE HELP I NEED ADVICE and What you guys think!!



So I met this girl through one of my other friends who was her best friend. Well after we hung out for the first time she said I was very funny and would always come online and talk to me. She would be annoying anf funny at first and then we got into more serious stuff. She asked me who I liked and there was only her and her best friend, who introduced me to her. So I told her I didnt like anyone. We kept talking and one day seh came and told me about this thing that happened with her and some guy and that all she wanted was someone to be close to, and was saying it like it was aimed towards me, I asked her why she told me about this and hadent told anyone else, she said she felt she could tell me stuff. So we hung out more and more, Me, her and her best friend. She invited me to disneyland with them and when we were there I was being funny and she was ohh i love you your so funny and hugged me. She would always look into my eyes, and it seemed like she was throwing signs. One day out of no where she put one of the kiss smilys when we were talking and had never done that, she also told me that she missed me, cause we hadent been hanging out too much. Whenever I saw her she would always come and smell me and tell me how good i smelled. Anyway this went on for a while and the only reason I didnt ask her out was because I had a feeling her best friend liked me.


Well When I finally confronted her best freind if she liked me(best friend), she said yeah. Well After about that time we never hung out and it has been about 6 months, her best friend who likes me doesnt want to hang out and she doesnt either. Now when ever I see her at work I ask her to do something she says okay I will call you but never does, and she doesnt pick up the phone, She is really busy working but she never calls me or wants to do anything. When I used to see her she was happy to see me, now she acts different, it seems she acts a little nervous, but we still have eyecontact for most of the time we talk, heavy staring. I dont what the heck is going on.


Im thinking she doesnt want to go out with me cause her best friend likes or liked me and she lost interest. Or she might still like me but be afraid. Or the worst, she knows I like her and she is staying away, bcause I hadent been throwing any signs before.....

Sorry for the Long post but this is really hard and I dont know what to think, in just one day everything changed and has been like this for 6 months!



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Maybe the girl that introduced you to her best friend has very deep feelings for you but is too shy to come out. Maybe, you are not giving her any signals that you are interested in her and that you might be showing interest in her best friend more then her.


If I were you, I would ask her if you said something wrong and that is why you and her along with her best friend are not as close and all of you used to be. I would make suggestions of going out like the old times and see what kinds of responses you get from her, and also from her friend. But too, maybe she seen that you were showing more interest in her best friend therefore is somewhat feeling kinda down because she liked you and you were not giving any signals to her that you are interested in her. I probubly repeated that, but anyways, just see if the friendship thing is still there by suggesting to do stuff, hangout whatever it is. Not sure if this helps. But anyways when you were at Disney land, it seems like the girl your talking about was showing that she was very much so interested in you and possibly wanting a relationship out of it. But, see where things lead. Hope this helps. Take care.

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