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So I broke NC


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I broke NC a couple of days ago with an email an surprisingly she responded. and we began email through out the day. Didn't expect to get any kind of response especially the kind that I've gotten. since that day of emailing, we've continued to email everyday, spoken on the phone, and she invited me for coffee Halloween night.

I guess my question is how do i proceed, my heart tells me to go with it and go for it but my head says to slow it down. Funny how my heart's forgotten that this the same woman that broke it.


Also what could this possibly mean? She' not one to maliciously mess with your head or heart ( I think) But these are mixed signals for me, when we broke up, she pushed me away so hard, now she wants my company again.


I don't get it..or is this the natural by product of NC?


...help the confused.

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Watch yourself. She dumped you because you were her transition guy, and she finally felt better after her 9 year relationship ended and she felt free - and wanted to date other people. She could be dating someone else, or multiple someone else's now, so don't get your hopes up that she's decided you're the one she really wants to be with.


Go for coffee if you can't help yourself, but it's your turn to cool off. It's only been a few weeks since she dumped you, so she has not been on her own long enough to get the need to date other guys out of her system. And she DID break your heart, so don't give her a free pass on that. Don't make her a priority if she only sees you as one of her options.

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Watch yourself. She dumped you because you were her transition guy, and she finally felt better after her 9 year relationship ended and she felt free - and wanted to date other people. She could be dating someone else, or multiple someone else's now, so don't get your hopes up that she's decided you're the one she really wants to be with.


Go for coffee if you can't help yourself, but it's your turn to cool off. It's only been a few weeks since she dumped you, so she has not been on her own long enough to get the need to date other guys out of her system. And she DID break your heart, so don't give her a free pass on that. Don't make her a priority if she only sees you as one of her options.



good call Norajane, I thought of everything you mentioned, i just needed to hear it from someone else. thanks I got excited when she invited me.

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now that i've broken NC and communicate fairly regularly with the ex, i feel like i'm back at square one. dammit, i hate myself for allowing myself to get caught up again. dammit dammit damnit. I'm hurting again today.

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