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What is going on with her?

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This is crazy


My ex girlfriend broke up with me last october. I was madly in love with her. She was even talking about marriage, then just bam it was over. I have tried 3 times to get her back. She has said she loved me but wasnt in love with me, that she would be lucky to find a guy who treated her half as nice as me. She picked little things as reasons for the breakup, one time I threw a candle cause it broke(not at her mind you) She brought that up 5 months later! She was so insistent that little things were why she broke up with me, things that werent a problem to work on. She even told someone she went out with another guy who treated her like me and had some of the same interests we did. When we were together, I always had to tell her I loved her and touch her all the time, or she would think I didnt love her


Yet recently I received an answer to my online personal ad. This girl told me she lived close to me and went to a near by college, yet a couple of days later, she fessed up and told me she went to the same college my ex goes to, 3 and a half hours away! I had a screen name my ex would know it was me. I told her that my ex went there. She acted suprised and asked who. I told her my exes name, she said "oh my god" I guess she was a friend of hers. Well we chatted on more time, I was very suspicious to say the least. This could have been a coincidence, but likely not. So if this is her checking up on me, Why? this makes no sense. We had a bad argument months ago, i had enough of being treated rude, i went off on her which wasnt right but after being snubbed for months, she didnt even want to be my friend. Is she checking up on me? why would she do this?


Thanks for your input

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Your ex wasn't checking up on you. If that was actually her, she may have answered the ad not being exactly sure it was you.


At the end of your post, you said you "went off on her" which implies you somehow lost your temper around her. This is a surefire way of driving a lady away for good.


While this lady now wants nothing to do with you at all, she may be a bit curious about what you are doing. She may be a little bit confused...she probably had feelings for you at one time and remnants of those feelings can stick around for a while...but, as you said, at this time she really doesn't even want to be your friend.


The big hint was when she said she would be lucky to find someone who treats her as nice as you did. It's very possible that you were too nice...and you might want to examine that. There are many reasons why, most of which I do not understand, but very often treating people too nicely will bring on a very opposite response.


Anyhow, this relationship is over. Drop it, forget it. You may hear from her from time to time but she has absolutely no good reason for "checking up on you" other than curiosity, thrill seeking or immaturity.


Pay her no mind, get over her, and move on. Hopefully, you have learned some things from the relationship. If not, it was all for naught.

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